Monday, May 10, 2010

Round and Round the Garden

Hare here.                                                            
"Round and round in circles,
Like a teddy bear,
One step, two step,
Tickly under there!"

My parents use to sing this nursery rhyme to me as a child: for those of you who don't know it, they held my hand and as they chanted the first 2 lines they used to gently draw circles into the palm of my hand with one finger, then move up my arm for "one step, two steps" before tickling me under the arm!

My walk today reminded me of that... it's odd the associations we make in our mind... well, mine at least!

After giving my leg 2 weeks to recover, I've started to pick up the walking and exercise again, slightly scared that I've only done 1 substantial 10 mile walk and a few shorter walks so far!

My achievements this week:

1. On bank holiday Monday I took myself for a 6 mile walk around Cambridge. I've found a lovely route which takes me in a circle around the city, through pastures and parks, past cattle, families going for strolls, hunky university students playing football, then following the River Cam watching the rowing teams and pretty canal boats... Ok, so I ended up in a pub. Well deserved, me thinks, and I did only have an OJ & lemonade so it could've been worse!

2. On Tuesday I did aerobics for the first time in a month (can it really have been that long?!) even though every part of my body was crying out "NO!!". The mile walk, hour jumping about and mile walk back hurt. Firstly my tired body resisted every step, with any muscle memory faded in the previous month, and fully protesting that I'd not allowed it to rest on the sofa. Secondly my hurty knee did not appreciate my 9.5 stone body repeatedly jumping on it! Must be careful for a bit longer it seems.

3. Today I went for a 9.5 mile walk - which is great considering I'd only intended on doing 6 again! I did the route around Cambridge - the third time I've walked it now - hence the nursery rhyme! I got back to my road after 6 miles, and while my legs ached, I felt like doing more, so walked straight past my house to the local park and down some different footpaths for another hour. When I did get home my legs ached, but not badly. Last time I did 10 miles (stopping only for a 30 min break) I vividly remember crawling up the stars on my return and aching for a few hours. This time I was able to walk up the stairs, rotate some washing, and go and have a shower, by which time the aches had subsided. It seems I am slowly getting less unhealthy!

So progress is being made. Next weekend I'll try and do at least 12 miles, 15 if I have the time. In all honesty, I need to start making the time!

From hare to bear xxx

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