Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Valentine Threesome Special

OK - To borrow a sentiment from Kaye - pesky real life has just now been shoved back in it's box leaving me free to turn my attention back to sharing my woop-de-doo most exciting best fabulous blog news ever. So hope you're sitting comfortably and that I have your undivided attention, as it's a VERY SPECIAL THREESOME VALENTINE post today!! Minds out of the gutter peeps - there's nothing of that nature going on here - rather I have three UBERimportant things to share with you:

1. I received an amazing VALENTINE's surprise 
2. I received another LOVEly surprise - Could I be ANY luckier right now?!  
And as it's better to give than to receive:
3. I also have a special VALENTINE's gift for you all xx

Well here goes....

I arrived home yesterday post the 10km LOVE RUN to discover a little package waiting from me - I LOVE receiving packages in the post.  Bills, bank statement and official correspondence never come in a package so I've NEVER received a package I didn't like ;-)

This one was a particularly special package as it was perfectly timed to coinside with Saturday's LOVEheart Run and proved to be the MOST PERFECTLY BRILLIANT post-LOVErun goody bag especially as I was still on a massive high jumping around the flat in my LOVEheart costume. Seriously! The surprise was even greater as I was totally caught off guard by who'd sent it as I'd recently received a fabby postcard from this lovely individual and I was so delighted to get my lovely postcard that I wasn't even slightly expecting anything.  Plus Valentine's is the HARDEST time of year for a diehard singleton so getting this wonderful package of LOVE - literally, has made my Valentine's. I feel like I can hold my head high tomorrow regaling everyone with my FIRST EVER AND MOST PERFECT VALENTINE SURPRISE story. Yay - for once VALENTINE's DAY is actually going to be fun!!

To you, my AWESOME Fitblr Buddy - I salute you. THANK YOU from the bottom of my LOVEheart:

I still have the biggest smile on my face. 
No mean feat after the stressful weekend (LOVErun aside) I've had!
Fluffy hearts are literally my favourite/only non-chocolate sweet of choice - you clearly have special powers.

If you want to see exactly what I was fortunate enough to receive from my AWESOME Fitblr Buddy- you'll need to head over to the Fitblr Buddy blog where I've posted all the details of my PERFECT VALENTINE SURPRISE.

Fitblr buddy - or "Supreme Chieftan of Cool" as I now think of you in my head.  SERIOUSLY YOU ROCK!! xx

Hope you have an equally subliminal VALENTINE's Day 
<3 Protege of the Chieftan of Cool xx

p.s. I adore track no 9 on my compilation - but I've never heard it before - who or what is it? 
p.p.s. In my head I have a sneaky suspicion that I already know you - or perhaps you are so AWESOME that you are somebody I just categorically must make it my job to get to know come what may. 

2. The Day I was Presented a Race Prize - HONEST!!:
This is a really, really special, never-to-be-forgotten moment for me as slow runners categorically NEVER win race prizes, but you know what - yesterday I proved that theory wrong. Our LOVEheart group was awarded a generous prize by the Duchenne Action organisers for our, of course, totally incognito LOVEheart costumes and general all-round suave whilst running!!!  I really wish I could actually tell you what was said but I literally had just run over the finish line when this presentation kicked off and I was desperately trying to locate and open a drink! For once I didn't mind the adverse law of slowcoaches that if you're slow you get less/no recovery time despite actually requiring more recovery time because you are not so fit i.e. slow!! Before I knew it I was joining my fellow ranks of LOVEhearts and was nominated to go up and collect the prize.  I should confess up front that I basically demanded a WINNER's KISS too - well it's for charity, it's Valentine's and this singleton doesn't get to pucker up often!! See for yourself  - I have no shame - Poor Man was basically cornered. God I hope I didn't embarrass him too much.

Slow coach crosses the finish line - totally unsuspecting of what's about to happen despite lovely Christine and Vanessa running back and completing the last leg with me. Admittedly they did try to warn me, mentioning a "presentation".  In hindsight it all makes so much sense - at the time I thought you'd both lost the plot and were discussing a work project!

Seconds later voila - yours truly is awarded a Running associated Prize on behalf of the team - What are the odds? 
This must be how Gold Medal Olympiads feel.

Most important moment of my life - Going in for the WINNER's KISS xxx

What the race was ALL ABOUT - raising money and awareness for Duchenne's Action and having fun doing it
p.s. can you tell my knees have seized up?

Plus here are the other ALL-IMPORTANT race highlights I promised you:

This photo captures the moment after  Megan managed to put on and fix her costume in place AS SHE WAS RUNNING. Megan I have no idea how you did it - a Champion

The SPEED DEMONS - Vix and Vanessa - Bit of friendly competition going on there I see!!
I want Vix to teach me to FLY RUN - how does she do it it's amazing - both feet off the ground at once.

118 118 Ellie leading the pack and seriously out in front - Go Ellie!!

Then again, CJ is also out running the competition - check this:

Check this - Christine is leading the pack here too. AWESOME work.

Mustn't forget this trio:
The Stud Muffin is finding his groove - Muffin by name, Muffin by Nature!!
Lucinda looking effortlessly gorgeous and happy AS USUAL
AND MEL in her NEW HOT PINK - I WANT A MATCHING PAIR OF - TRAINERS - Mel says she hates running but I'm not so sure - regardless she makes it look a breeze!!

A SPECIAL THANKS FOR THESE PHOTOS TO TIM, THE LOVELIEST LOVEHEART PHOTOGRAPHER IMAGINABLE, not to mention Christine's Hubbie. A big thank you Tim for these photographic gems.

But onto the finale of the LONGEST post ever - but I promise you the wait and your dedication has been worth it.


Jenni and Matthew - the Happy Couple

One of my secret favourite blog crushes is Story of My Life and is written by one half of the seriously most drop dead phoar hot couple on the planet. Honest to god they could pass for A list celebs no probs. I spend most of my time just staring at the photos!! They may be hurt my eyes gorgeous BUT I forgive them as they are such a sweet couple.  As a special Valentine's treat, Jenni recounted the story of how they met in a four part special - I have loved reading every word of this story but I'm glad it was in four parts as I would have suffered LOVE jealously OVERLOAD otherwise.  This is a MUST READ LOVE STORY for anyone who's not yet found the one or is feeling jaded by love or just cannot ever believe it will happen to them - Umm Me, Me, Me.

Jenni is a stickler for correctness and is adamant that you read their story in it's rightful order - so here you are - all indexed and ready for you: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3{MY FAV} and Part 4

Thanks Jenni for sharing your beautiful love story - I totally fell in love with being in love - just what I needed for V-Day. Hope you enjoy Jenni's story as much as I did.

Plus a little bonus pressie from one of my other FAVOURITE LOVE-AFFIRMING BLOGS which always makes me happy when nothing much else does is Fairy Tales are True. But it's this particular moment - heartily appropriate for V-Day that as Sarah promises, and I heartily concur will leave you SPEECHLESS

Wishing you all a very enchanting V-Day of your own xx

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