Friday, February 11, 2011

An INTERMISSION in the programme - THOUGHTS please

BREAKING NEWS- my knees are shot after completing 90km in 9 days.

Despite my day nine run lasting 2 hours 30 mins - Nike sent me this message, from Ms Radcliffe no less:






I have no idea if Nike are correct in this assessment: It could well be the case as I had made arrangements to meet Lucinda at the 5km mark and to complete the run with her, but I SERIOUSLY doubt it as:
a) Despite RUNNING 10 mins LATE (hahaha!!) and so trying to make up this time, b)  pushing through the tiredness c) feeling the pressure to run well with Lucinda, I still d) didn't manage to crank out the 5km we were hoping to before class and instead e) had to settle on 3km, then f) pause the run to complete a circuit class with Mel - as you do!! before g) finishing the remaining 2 km later on.  If this is the secret to my fastest 10km time to date - well I'll be damned.

The Nike Sportsband cannot cope with a circuit training class mixed into a run so I can't show you a great run profile:
I assure you there were walking breaks in this - despite Nike brushing these under the carpet.

Despite my BEST SECRET WEAPONS to keep my slightly creaky knees on their best possible running form, like so:

From left to right...
1. All purpose vitamins and Echinacea - to boost my immune system and derail people's attempts to give me their ghastly germs 
2. Joint Flex - Max Strength (really for elderly people with 60-70 year old joints) taken 20 days prior and all through challenge
3. Cowshed's Knackered Cow Lavender Body Oil - my knees have never been so pampered
4. CherryActive Concentrate - this is basically pure ANTIOXIDANTS - the highest antioxidant foodstuff in the world and recommended for cardiovascular health, healthy joints and muscular repair and recovery. Great mixed in plain yoghurt, slightly gag worthy in H2O, impossible to swallow neat.
5. Organic Salmon - I've been eating about 4 portions of salmon a week to help keep my joints lubricated.

However despite all this - my knees are in a dire state.  It's a miracle they lasted this long - actually it's not, see 1-5 above!!  Fortunately my knees are NOT causing me serious pain - they are just stiff, very tired and a bit uncomfortable e.g. the pressure of crossing my legs when sitting is not good, or sleeping on my side with my knees slightly bent does not feel great either and yesterday, when I got out of bed, just walking was making my knees ache.

Yesterday I did attempt a 10km run as the running itself does not hurt once I'm on the move but after running just over 1km and just knowing that my knees were knackered and having Dr Christian Jessen's Evening Standard Article in my head was enough to FREAK the hell out of me and make me decide to walk 10km for today.

It feels like a MASSIVE personal defeat as I REALLY wanted to get to double digits and say I ran 100km in 10 days. But at the same time I cranked out 90km in 9 days, 80km more than I've ever attempted at one time so that in itself is a small achievement.

Today I'm on another "give my poor knees a goddamn rest" day - so no running, squatting, lunging, ANYTHING for me today, just some gentle walking.

But tomorrow's the LOVE Run and I will complete the four costumes I'm responsible for and my own AWESOME though slightly heavy costume!! AND be RUNNING 10km, IF IT KILLS ME. Hopefully Saturday will also mark the return to running 10km everyday for a 10 day stint minimum and hopefully to the end of February without further hindrance, but I'm not so certain......

What I'm not sure about and would LOVE YOUR input on is:
a) Whether I should chalk up days missed to being an inexperienced runner who just has no idea what her body is capable and incapable of and just try to crank out as many 10kms in February as possible.
b) Add any 10kms missed to the end and continue into March to complete the 280km distance I set for myself.
c) Allow myself to substitute other activity - walking, biking, swimming - for a 10km run periodically, when my knees just can't cope with running
d) ADMIT DEFEAT - this is clearly wayyyyyyyyyyyy beyond me and I have essentially already failed my challenge
e) Other???

Thoughts on a postcard, FB, telepathy etc - MOST GRATEFULLY APPRECIATED xx

p.s. Rubbish Lungs - 1 : Creaky Knees  - 0 (A tiny victory in itself!!)
p.p.s. Does anyone know of a great ointment/ remedy for sore knees that doesn't involve ice??

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