Sunday, February 20, 2011

Laying Down the Gauntlet....

Smiling whilst Falling - This will never be me.

Yesterday, I faced a REALLY interesting Dilemma over a delicious Brunch at Fleet River Bakery in Holburn, aside from what to eat!! A good friend and awesome training buddy laid down a personal challenge for me and it was a biggie and a tempting one {unfortunately}:

"If she completed all the fitness challenges I set her this year, then I would join her on a sky dive next year."


I already know that Hannah, my Brunch compadre and the lady in question, is a complete force of nature, not to mention, a force to be reckoned with. She is Brave, Strong and Determined when she puts her mind to things.  I, on the other hand, am a MAJOR chicken, Queen of procrastination and my own worst enemy.  But as indecisive as I can be all-too-often, I do categorically know that there are also two things I never want to do: Bungee Jump or Sky Dive. END OF.

When it comes to getting fitter, Hannah's BIG personality is matched by equally BIG ambitions and big AMAZING dreams, but she is starting out on her own fitness journey and also has some fitness hurdles to get over in the process. I know she can overcome these and achieve all her ambitions, but I can see that she doesn't yet believe it so I want to support and challenge her in equal measures. In return, I think she just wants to kill me - literally - people can die from fear. FACT. 

But I also know that I am in desperate need a BIG mental jolt. Just like the Hare did for me last year with making me commit to the Moonwalk and actually getting the fitness show on the road - I need another jolt to kickstart me again.  I am so stuck - I can't seem to stop eating everything in sight - the scales are hanging around the 10stone 7lbs mark currently - 5lbs on in a fortnight is not good and I have lost my way with Februlous, running, losing my belly and getting gorgeous abs.

So Hannah, of the extreme challenge setting, I {deep breath} will take you up on your challenge on the following TWO conditions:

A) Hannah, if you undertake the following personal challenges by the end of October 2011, then you have my word that I will jump out of a plane with you, attached to men with parachutes, so help me god:

  1. Complete the 60km walking challenge in May that I was talking about (or another one of my slightly mad schemes if you can't make that)

  2. Run a 10km race in less than 1 hour 15 mins

  3. Take up swimming again and swim a 2 mile distance (laps in a pool is fine!)

  4. Complete your one week Diving Course

B) However, there is one small catch - as I REALLY, REALLY don't like the idea of falling to my death. With your permission, if I complete the following tasks by the end of October 2011, then I do NOT have to jump out of a plane but can wait on the ground, safe, to watch you land. For me to be granted reprieve from death by fear of falling, I am suggesting the following fitness challenges:

  1. Complete a 10km race in 55 minutes - This is a serious time test. Just saying.

  2. Complete a Half-Marathon - no time limit - just have to haul my butt over the finish line

  3. Get my weight down to 9 stone 10lbs/ a waist measurement of 75cms

  4. Complete one challenge/task of Hannah's choosing

SO there you have it, with Hannah's say so, Operation-Avoid-Death-by-Skydiving is a go. Until the order to proceed is granted, this week's simpler tasks to getting me on a more even fitness keel are as follows:
  • Get to bed by 10pm each night

  • Not eating anything after 8pm and cutting down the junk overall.

  • Complete 3 x 10km runs this week - My knees are much, much better - almost like new!!

Since I've told you what I am prepared to do to avoid something that terrifies me, what terrifies you and what would you do to avoid it? xx

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