Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Februlous 10km PB!!

My first accompanied Februlous run AND my first Februlous PB - it CANNOT be a coincidence:

A traffic stop 8.5km in - AJ and PT still looking indecently perky!! xx

AJ, PT and I set off from Sloane Square for today's 10km route a little after 9.30am. It was immediately obvious that I have now got to the stage in Februlous when I need to be accompanied at all times, as I was all set to head off in completely the wrong direction, despite having drawn the route out and explaining it to the girls moments prior. Thank god for quick witted AJ!

My Homemade Route Map!!

The run felt quite fast overall and as PT and AJ were letting me set the pace - I was REALLY feeling the pressure not to crawl along as I normally do!! Thanks girls for kicking me out of my comfort zone. Additionally there were definitely less walking breaks compared to my Februlous 10km runs so far. First break - 3km in - YAY. Thanks girls for running with me - despite being unable to chat whilst running - having friends there makes SUCH a massive difference to my run performance. And despite battling gales, really tight quads {- is it a bad thing that they feel like rocks?} and a mammoth blister at the 9km mark - we all ran a GREAT time.

PT and I deposited AJ back at Sloane Square - the 9km mark - so that Jo could rescue her car. Jo you ran 9km in 57 mins!!!!!! You're not called AWESOME JO for nothing.  My friends at Nike have this to say to you:






Departing, AJ's instructions were "to keep running" and PT really stepped up to the mark in a BIG way as I was flagging massively. PT challenged me to up the pace and to keep up with her and she even got a SPRINT FINISH out of me. AMAZING. Especially as this was PT's first long run in about three months. You go girl!

A much less erratic run profile!!

PT and I crossed the 10km line in 1 hour 6 minutes - OH YEAH!!! Plus as the brilliant PT works opposite our Harvey Nics finish line, I was even rewarded with one of the best drinks of water ever - the perfect and much needed cure to extreme nausea post sprint-finish. THANKS PT - plus I HEART your office and not just it's amazing location post today's run. It's like my spiritual home - all RAINBOW colours and snacks-a-plenty - any jobs going perchance ;-))!?!

AJ and PT: A winning Februlous combination. xx

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