Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Slippery Slope

One thing that being off work due to sickness has brought home to me is that without a routine - I am lost.  My c.12,000 steps a day minimum has kept the REALLY bad eating habits of late in check and all those excess calories not too visible, though the weight, unsurprisingly, is creeping on. Not sitting occupied at my desk and having free rein to the fridge instead whilst I'm home alone with no-one around to rein my behaviour in - I become an eating fiend. Seriously two lunches - demolished. Tub of ice cream - annihilated. Cutting corners off my lovely flatmate's delicious carrot birthday cake - well I'm a repeat offender.

I know that I lack discipline. But I don't know how you create discipline. I have never known that answer. Never get sick? Never take a holiday? Always live with other people? Lock the fridge? I do know that there is a multi-billion industry that feeds every and any weight loss wannabe with every possible diet and fitness combination under the sun, but not a discipline plan.

In the absence of discipline, I make plans - many, many plans - my current plan consists of:
a) completing my virtual wall of china walk and training for my 60km walk in May
b) training for a 10km race date tbc - currently, depressingly, I can run the grand distance of 150m without wanting to keel over, as I discovered on Saturday, so I have my work cut out on this one!
c) 1st April commence Paleo and last the full month. (Last time I made it to day 19)

a-c are all an attempt to get off the current slippery slope that I'm on and lose 10lbs (which includes re-losing 5lbs) in the 10 weeks I have remaining before I depart for my exciting, cannot wait, hope-to-be-fantabulous 6 months sabbatical.

If a-c don't work, I have my backups d-z!! Wish me luck. xx

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