Sunday, March 27, 2011

Getting back into the kitchen

I've been avoiding the kitchen like the plague for too, too long: As much as I adore my flatmates the never ending curse of emptying the dishwasher and the sink of crockery, pots and pans of late has made me never want to enter the kitchen let alone think about cooking - so I've been skipping breakfast, buying readymade sushi or salads for lunch and then filling up on shop bought carbs for dinner (chocolate is a carb fyi!!) Brocolli, green beans, squash and vegetable stirfrys are a distant memory for me at the mo.

In total last week I probably ate 3 home cooked meals - when I say cooked - I am referring to scrambling eggs. To be honest I and my skin are feeling the effects of all the processed crap. Let's just say I am FARRRRRRRR from looking my best and with the start of British Summertime today it's time to find my healthy eating groove again before the sun realises it's Summer!

So inspired by Challenge Hannah's anti-microwave and processed foods stance, my uber amazing flatmate who cooked up a storm today and catching up with Hugh F-W of River Cottage fame on 4oD this afternoon, I have decided that ALL the meals I consume for the next 7 days will be prepared and cooked by moi from scratch - breakfast, lunch AND dinner - no excuses.

So it's a complete supermarket boycott for the next seven days. This is going to be T.O.U.G.H. particularly as I haven't actually got any real food in atm.  But if this boycott doesn't ensure I cut out the masses of junk in my diet, well nothing will.

Do you worst dishwasher xx

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