Saturday, March 19, 2011

An Arse Whupping

So what comes after wobbly legs you wonder? Let me tell you. A REALLY bruised butt and thighs.  Honestly I feel like I've had a spanking - and not in a good ;-)) way. My tush is sooooooo sore. Honed and toned within an inch of it's life - trust me it daren't wobble right now after the lashing it got on Thursday - but soooooo sore.

To distract me from my current pain and to ensure that I go through with today's arse whupping - in 30 mins I am setting off to Hyde Park to complete 6 x 1 mile run intervals with 20 reps of situps, step up knee jumps, and press ups between each mile interval. I can't cheat now - cos you'll all know!! No fooling y'all. That plus I'm bringing the Nike band out of retirement - not sure it can cope with storing multiple runs but here goes.

To distract you from my ensuing screams of pain, I thought I'd post you this suitably run inspired video - which I've stolen from NieNie - to remind me I have no cause to complain about ANYTHING, EVER not when NieNie can accomplish such amazing things after real tragedy and continuing hardship. NieNie and her cute family star in the video  - SO COOL. I'm a big NieNie fan.

The only thing I cannot fathom are the green puffs of smoke - why?! 
Plus it only makes me think of one thing - you too right?!

Ooooh and I HAVE to mention my two pieces of blog fame this week - my press clipping officer has been VERY, VERY busy this week ;-))

Firstly the insanely talented Sarah of Fairy Tales are True - name checked me - WOOP was NOT expecting that in the slightest as she was just helping me out with a special request.  Being name checked by Sarah makes me almost half as insanely talented as Sarah by association riiiiiiiight?! If you are a FTaT devotee who has arrived at my blog via the inimitable Sarah - I should sincerely apologise that I have no gorgeous photos, travel accounts or suitably Sarah-lovely-awesomeness to share - instead I just have a sore butt!

The gorgeous Sarah herself in a FABULOUS H&M Cardigan - yup I did ask all those months ago!

To return even a smidgeon of Sarah's awesomeness - I want to implore you to head over to her Fairy Tales are True etsy store and check out her insanely good photoprints IMMEDIATELY. Right now. Go!! Sarah took these all during her fairytale travels and they are ALL completely swoon worthy. Added bonus, it now means I can now retire my passport - I don't need to travel anywhere anymore, I can just experience it all through Sarah's eyes and lens!

See- Totally Fairytalelicious!!

Secondly my uber crazily talented friend* the fabulousa Sheridaniana also name checked me, in her latest post, and a FASHION post at that!!! Major smile. Thanks Sheridan. Sheridan is having a bit of a week - she got outed by Daily Candy on Tuesday (well it was only a matter of time), then picked up by Elements of Style on Thursday. If you want to understand why I am such a massive fan of Sheridan - just check out Erin's unrivalled explanation. Some people do just give you that want-to-throw-yourself-under-a-bus-in-a-good-way-as-you-can't-possibly-be-of-equal-worth feeling! Personally I'm just delirious that Sheridan opens my emails ;-)) xx

Sheridan French - fashion editor, fashion designer and mom of two cuties. She even finds the time AND considerable PATIENCE to respond to my fashion emergencies - there are MANY!!
Avert your eyes - some people are just out of this world gorgeous.

p.s. I must insist that if you haven't entered Sheridan's fashion giveaway - do so NOW. (It closes in two days). I implore you - you will not regret it. I have one of her delectables hanging in my closet as I type. The only reason that I'm not wearing it right now is 1. I'm still in my PJs and 2. UK temp is not quite conducive to shorts, tees and summer dresses YET. But as soon as it is - piece of wonder and I will NEVER be parted!!

p.p.s. I got carried away blogging and now have -2 mins to head out the door - but shifting my butt N.O.W.!

(*Noticing a pattern? My advice: Inflitrate with the BEST, *sparkliest* and AWESOMEST people on the planet and pray that even a smidgeon rubs off on you. Now you all know my top secret life plan!!) 

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