Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Face... with only 3 products!

Hello my loves,
Hope you've enjoyed your weekend (there really isn't much left of it), it always seems to go far too quickly. But for those of us still in school/college know that the Easter holidays are just around the corner ;) 

Anyway, Sundays for me are always really lazy... me and the boyfriend either just chill and lounge about all day or do something that doesn't involve a lot of effort, haha! But the weather has been gorgeous, and I hate thinking that I've wasted the sun seeing as though we don't get all that much of it! So we decided to go on a walk on the South Downs - adopting Dean's cousin's dog for the day, lol. We'd love to have a dog, but we don't live together at the moment so we will just have to wait!

Getting to the point... I decided this would be the perfect opportunity to see how little make up I could actually wear... but also leave the house lol. Summer's coming up and I hate the feeling of make-up meltdowns, it's so much to keep up in the summer. I managed it, only using three products!! So lets take a look at my practically naked face...

I feel like anyone can look half decent in flash photography, so I knew that taking a nice-ish photo in daylight alone would be the real challenge...

Of course, I don't look my best. But it felt great to get ready in less than 10 minutes and be out the door! I'm probably going to reserve this for the very hot days that come a long though, lol. A bit of powder and my Elf Brow Kit would've made me feel much more comfortable... accompanied by some eyeliner.

The products I used were:
Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation
Rimmel Lash Accelerator mascara
Avon lipstick 'Pout' on lips and cheeks

On our little walk we stopped off in a pub and had a yummy pub lunch washed down with some Magners! and the Grand Prix! Although I can't help but feel like a bit of a cheat because in reality this is how I spent most of the day...

What have you filled your Sunday with? And what would be your 3 products?

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