Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Making New Friends

Top tip: Looking to make new friends? Well don't faint on the bus then throw up in your wooly hat after crawling off the bus like I did yesterday morning. This will NOT earn you any new buddies. It does however shift you up a whole new level in sheer mortification. But thinking positively - it does also mean that I'll get even fitter (eventually) as I'm forced to walk EVERYWHERE now as can. never. show. my. face. on. the. bus. ever. again. and. too. scared. to. get. on. tube. in. rush. hour. incase. I. faint. again. BONUS.

Hoping the fainting/ vomiting was a one-time thing only. Fingers crossed cos I only have two wooly hats slash emergency sick buckets. Helpfully my boss reckons my fellow passengers thought I was drunk - at 7.30am!! Thanks boss, nice to know what you think of me!!

Since I've done nada but lie down and watch TV since I picked myself off the pavement and released myself from the strong, helpful arms of all those knights in shining armour (clearly I had a temperature and was hallucinating also, NO-ONE came near me yesterday morning!) I do now have the perfect opportunity to recap on Sunday's training walk with Challenge Hannah (i.e. when I had a life pre-faint/ vomiting/ bus incident)

Sunday according to my 60km walk training schedule was hill practise, Hannah was also keen, so we headed to Greenwich.

FYI 1 - There are some steep hills in Greenwich Park and Greenwich and Blackheath are much closer than I previously thought
FYI 2 - No-one likes to be overtaken whilst walking up steep slopes by lithe men sprinting up the same slope in 0.6 seconds or thereabouts.

Hannah has been Zumbaing of late and is such a Zumba Queen that she had a slight mishap with her knee recently - but we took it gently and devious Hannah actually made us climb MORE hills than I had planned in the route. LOVE IT. Except the hills don't get easier the fifth time round.  In total we walked 14.7 km and climbed 180 meters - yup Hannah is a sophisticat with an iphone complete with GPS where as I had a highlighted route printed on a piece of paper!!

Anyway after a restorative lunch (we sped up towards the end - the promise of food is miraculous) - cheeseburger, home made fries, and ice-cream = 10,000 best kcals EVER - I headed home a very happy bunny. Well I have one friend ;-)) !!

Challenge Hannah - the smile of victory - training walk complete

Four Things I learnt about Challenge Hannah:
  1. Walk on her left hand side - don't ask why - it's just safer
  2. Hannah doesn't eat processed food or use a microwave EVER instead she cooks nutrient rich yummy food - Han even turned down a tic tac - shock horror!!
  3. Hannah actually reads things that are sent to her - apparently we have a kit list for the 60km in May - who knew? Fortunately Hannah did but it sounds a tad complicated with head torches and waterproof trousers and 2 litres of water as essential kit - better add weight training to my schedule!!
  4. She had one of the best previous jobs EVERRRRRRR - so entertaining. You must ask her who she used to rep for.
Anyway off to lie down again - I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO BORED now that this "drunk" is back to work tomorrow hot flushes/ fainting fits/ nausea/ come what may. I have cheeseburger and icecream kcals to burn. xx

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