Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thankful I'm alive...

Scariest moment ever yesterday. Like I had mentioned before, there was some freak snow in Texas yesterday (it's all gone today) - I had to go to work in the morning. It started off fine...I was trying to be careful and most of the major roads were clear.

I approached a bridge, hit an icy patch, and started swerving out of control...I flew over the curb (between two telephone poles), careened down a small embankment, and managed to lodge myself amidst a few trees. Of course my mind is going a bazillionmilesanhour...everything happened in slow motion.

The WHOLE time this was happening, all I could think about was "please don't let this damage my car too badly" - weird and a little sad. :( The right side of my car was all torn up from the branches, but no broken glass...there was not internal car damage (the engine still runs) but I'll be figuring out what to do in the next few days as far as totaling it and getting a new car or trying to salvage it.

The crazy thing is I walked away from everything WITHOUT A SCRATCH. I was really down about the whole thing, thinking about how unlucky I was...until I realized how the simple fact that I was ALIVE and untouched was worth so much in and of itself. I am so thankful that God had his protective hand over me throughout the whole accident and for surrounding me with loved ones so quickly. Life is so precious and we all are so fragile in the whole scheme of things. I promised myself not to take this fact for Suze Orman always says "People first, then money, then things!"

Life teaches you so many things. Sometimes the lessons are harder than others...this time, luckily only in the form of squeezing my budget. If anything, I feel like I'll be more careful with my $$$ from here on out...emergency funds are so important!!!

Man, I have so much respect for all of you out there who have to deal with the snow everyday for MONTHS.


Even though I had an incredibly bad day, it did cheer me up to see this sweet award from Yumi


I in turn will tag:

Shop n Chomp

Finally, thank you for the love new readers veriweto and Mademoiselle !!!


Please take care of yourselves today and DRIVE SAFELY


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