Sunday, November 21, 2010

Getting my mojo back

For the last 10 days I've been feeling TOTALLY out of kilter - I'd lost my appetite (F.Y.I. this NEVER happens to me unless I'm on my DEATH BED), I was feeling a bit down in the dumps and then I had the dreaded back to work blues as well as battling with wheezy lungs.  Fun times!!

Luckily from Thursday night onwards, I've started to feel like my old self again (though rubbish lungs persist). Most importantly after two weeks of allowing myself to eat anything I like, just so long as I eat something, I actually want and crave food again. YAY!!! I should admit now that I have ZERO ambition to be a waif.  Stunningly toned and healthy - YES. Boney, lethargic and lollipop-headed - NO (although to be honest this is way past my ability anyway)

My mission feels like its back on track - the next challenge is confirmed (proof of voting results below - especially for SUPERjade!! who's unfortunately now losing the Winter League by 3 points!!) I only have 10 weeks to prepare for this MASSIVE running mission (i.e. basically NO time at all) - eek so I'm also back on PALEO this week - this time for the full 30 days as I only managed 20 days previously before Birthday FUN intervened!!
Proof that the much beloved Disney 1/2 Marathon option lost its initial voting lead.

Hopefully second time round PALEO will be MUCHO easier now that I've realised:

1. Ground almounds = almond flour
2. Coconut oil is a solid at room temperature and comes in a jar not a bottle like olive oil
3. Peanuts are a no go
4. I have purchased Waitrose's ENTIRE stock of eat nakd bars (currently on special offer 2 for a £1 which is brilliant as they're normally 79p each and they are the ONLY tasty PALEO compliant raw food bar I come across to date - wahoo).
5. Recommencing the PALEO 30 day challenge now will make Christmas Dinner even more amazing than normal!!! xx

p.s. In honour of my rediscovered vim and the MASSIVE challenge that's afoot, I thought it was time for a long overdue refresh of le blog  - LOVE/ HATE/ CAN'T TELL WHAT'S DIFFERENT?  - let me know what you think.
p.p.s. Of course my cartoon avatar is an EXACT replica of me!!

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