Monday, October 25, 2010

I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts!

I am writing this post in protest.  I may have made it to one complete week of PALEO - but I am starting to really feel the pain of no chocolate, croissants, chocolate croissants, yoghurt, pasta, pesto, cake, sandwiches, crisps and even no porridge. (Now you can see why I'm the original chunky monkey!!) Furthermore the lack of sugar is making me feel a tad grumpy especially now I've spotted all the yummy christmas confectionary in the shops - chocolate smartie penguins - I LOVE chocolate smartie penguins but....ummmm MUST somehow resist.

So as I can feel my resolve dissappearing RAPIDLY and as I really want to eat myself into a chocolate induced diabetic coma right now, I thought it was time to get ablogging and hopefully distract myself sufficiently til oh, about 10 minutes according to the PALEO Master! Cue a post about this weekend's adventures.....

SUPERkayaking PRO!!! Louise trying on her kayak for size - yes that is GRASS. We were confused also!!

On Saturday, SUPERLouise and I went coconut fishing in Regent's Canal or to give it its proper name "KAYAKING" - though there really is an astonishing number of coconuts bobbing along the canal between Camden and Regent's Zoo - from the monkeys or drunk Camden revellers, we couldn't decide. Whatever, the instructor was quite blase about them!! {Our instructor was very chilled out - he only raised a smile when I enquired about rapids - surely there are RAPIDS on the waterways of London?!? What can I say Commando Challenge has turned me into an adrenaline junkie!}

The kayaking was fun, it only poured down twice (conveniently whilst we were between bridges!!) and we successfully dodged all of the boats that frequent this waterway most of the time. Furthermore we only crashed and got entangled with each other's paddles, a moderate amount. (Personally I blame SUPERlouise's silver threaded gloves - famed for their heat conserving properties but I'm sure totally magnetic also!!) Most importantly NOBODY important (i.e. SUPERlouise or I), or for that matter anyone else, fell it. Yay.

Coconuts for everyone!!

The kayaking did make me realise that I REALLY need to work on my puny upper body strength as i) those kayaks are HEAVY - I could barely carry them the 200 yards to and from the canalside - luckily SUPERlouise is SUPERstrong ;-)))) and ii) paddling is MUCHO harder on the arms/ shoulders than it looks. So in order to last the tour, I employed a technique that similarily held me in great stead on a French Canoe Trip with my sister many moons ago where I was the rear paddler in a double canoe: Basically I had a fab time just BOBBING along in the sunshine, chatting non-stop to distract everyone and to keep up morale. What I lack in paddling skills or kayaking know-how, I make up in BOBBING expertise. (My most vivid recollection of the Great French Canoeing Saga is of my lovely sister paddling furiously for what seemed like hours, in the direction I so helpfully indicated. It was really most admirable to watch - to this day she has never offered to share a canoe with me - hmmm I wonder why?!)

A well deserved, if a little belated, coconut for my SUPERheroic sister also. xx

Me demonstrating my classic "What are you talking about, I AM paddling FURIOUSLY" pose!!! xx

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