Saturday, October 30, 2010

Avatar-on-a-Mission gets a Workout!!

Ooh busy day planned - BIRTHDAY PARTY DRESS SHOPPING DAY has finally arrived {Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!} plus today's is also"FINALLY sort out my BIRD'S NEST that passes as a HAIRCUT" day.

{Absolutely no disrespect to the BEST, SMARTEST and SWEETEST Hairdresser's in LONDONTOWN - The current chaos is all down to me. I have been delaying my seasonal hair TRANSFORMATION as long as possible so I don't have the opportunity to mess it up between cut and the BIRTHDAY MAGIC next weekend. - FYI: I.cannot.WAIT. for next weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}

But since I've already got a full day planned this means - no time for exercising - and since my week's exercise tally is the shockingly low/ basically non-existant!! - I thought I'd let my much fitter, much stronger AVATAR get apumping her muscles for my benefit - about time!!! Talk about the perfect solution for the Girl TOO BUSY to exercise. Voila:

BODYBUILDING Avatar-on-a-Mission is IMPRESSIVELY STRONG - even whilst wearing a skirt!!!

She's not pad at the old hulahoop either!

Although this REALLY is me - just on screen (how cool is that?!), I should explain that I was amazingly fortunate to get the chance to try out YOUR SHAPE by UBISOFT. for the Microsoft Xbox Kinect technology on Thursday night.  This technology literally picks up thousands of points on your body and MAGICALLY!! translates that to an exact image on screen - NO MORE plump, squat Wii Cartoon for me or CONTROLS to lose/ send flying across the room!!!!! It was such amazing fun even despite the oh so tantilisingly "not allowed to eat ANY of the delectable canapes including minature chocolate brownies" on offer . 

Here's proof that it really is me on screen as well as some more SUPERchick demonstrations of what this brilliant game can do (Busy girl that I am now REALLY has to run or Hairdresser will be very cross!! but please do check back tomorrow for my on-screen running woman debut - it's really quite SHOCKING!!) xx

It's meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee- Bowing down before my flat screen debut!!!
{I am always this weird which is why no-one even blinks an eyelid!!)

SUPERjade demonstrating that there's one girl in the world who can execute the perfect squat even in a skirt. CLASSY :-)))

SUPERchieftan CAT channelling her inner yogi!
No mean feat - this lady REALLY doesn't do STILL or CALM!!!
{Hmm who is that petite waif of a girl in the background in that fetching purple size 10!!!!! coast top?!?}

But the prize for the best and most outrageous avatar gaming/ EXTREME HULAHOOPING ever - has to go to SUPERlaura:
Definitely an EXTREME Ab workout - believe me!!!

p.s. THANKS everyone, particularly SUPERcat, the PR UBISOFT ladies for this sneak preview and such a memorable Thursday night and to a VERY MERRY SUPERjade for escorting me part-way home.

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