Thursday, September 9, 2010

L.E.T.S.G.O. Let's Go, Let's Go!

Whooo. High V. This is the cheer I learnt at Cheerleading tonight. No you didn’t misread; Me and Cheerleading, bit like me and only eating one cube of chocolate – about as unlikely to happen in a gazillion years!! But tonight was the night for big discoveries, as I also discovered that cheerleading is a bit like semaphore but with pompoms, not flags and WAY, WAY cooler. It's also a tough little arm workout. {FYI: I have never semaphored anything in my life – except maybe "SOS" at Brownies also about a gazillion years ago. What can I say; somehow when I need to signal SOS (daily peeps!) - I can never remember where I left my flags!!}

I ended up at cheerleading more by accident, rather than design. I am not a dancer and have no real aspiration to ever learn - I just don’t have amazing coordination or the ability to tell my body what to do (last Saturday’s session on the treadmill was proof enough of that). But unexpected as the cheerleading class was, it was AMAZING FUN - seriously, no kidding.

Our cheer instructor Phie was a total dynamo, not to mention probably the COOLEST trainer (in training attire AND attitude) I have EVER encountered. Again seriously, no kidding. Plus Phabulous Phie has the inimitable talent of taking the cheese out of Cheerleading: Getting 20 girls to put their heart and soul into chanting cheers at top volume on the Hyde Park bandstand stage, in front of a throng of delighted spectators is no mean feat – let me tell you. The gathering throng of tourists were LOVING it, so well done Phie.

Ok so we've not quite progressed this far - class three maybe?!
 Bags I keep both feet on the ground, please.

Plus well done us. All the girls tonight took to cheering, much like ducks to water – well what else would you expect of SuperCHICKS?! Plus we even managed to keep it together and in rhythm even in the canons (oh yeah!). Even if our uninhibited Cheermaster Jade was a tad inebriated (gotta love Fashion Week with the wining and dining the clients over lunch!!) But even through her merry haze, “the Cheermeister” was totally fab and Jade even had everyone coordinating next week’s cheer outfits by the end of class – FYI the old hockey skirts and leg warmers will be in attendance at next cheer class. LOVE IT!

Coordinated Superchicktastic

Hmm – now very tempted to sign up for the cheerleading course after tonight’s taster – either that or recommend that we start every SuperChick class with a Phie-Phabuolous cheer....

So take it away Jade:

Ready? OK

Clasp clap,
High "V", Low "V",
Prayer clap,
Touchdown, Low Touchdown, “T”, broken “T”,
Whoooo {shaking my imaginary pom poms!} x

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