Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 3 - FiveFinger Heaven or Hell?

I might never have been an inmate in the Big Brother House – however I probably wouldn’t mind being confined to an enclosed space for a few days to give my footsies a rest. {Though if I was cooped up in the BB house - I’d probably wish I was RIP. Hallelujah the last ever series of BB is over (for now). Can you tell I’m not a fan? – or at least I have not been a fan since the Third Series (as much as I adore Davina/Big Mutha and the sexy BB voiceover guy), when the normal everyday people and the BB rules that were aimed to be fun and entertaining got replaced by some slightly strange folk, complete with hippy names, who were then subjected to an omnipotent, slightly masochistic Big Brother - I just tuned out. Sorry Channel 4}

Similar to my feelings towards BB, the reaction to my new foot attire from colleagues, friends and Superchicks has been “MARMITASTIC” – people either love or hate them. FYI: I don’t mind people expressing their opinion of my new shoes but “hideous” is not an adjective that should be hurled at my precious shoes, o camp of three!! After all they aren’t all that dissimilar in look and colour from my ACTUAL feet, so please do feel free to internalize any comments that you wouldn’t like others to make about your own feet or foot attire OR at the very least feel free to demonstrate a little restraint! {“crikey, pass me my sunglasses, where'd you leave your guide dog, remind me NOT to take you shopping with me, each to their own, hmmm unusual etc” are all totally acceptable.}

Don't forget Big Brother is watching you. Mucho appreciated.

People's love/hatred aside, the sensation of walking/ running barefoot does take a little getting used to as it’s a bit like getting a constant foot massage, which is pleasant in short bursts but ends up as total sensory overload after a while. Although at the same time the sensation is strangely addictive and it already feels very weird to wear clunky, bulky trainers (as I did yesterday). Personally at the moment – I prefer running in the FiveFingers to walking as the foot-ground sensation is more fleeting. The other thing I’m having to adjust to is muscle fatigue – these shoes are REALLY working my foot muscles and calves. This coupled with this week’s Running School’s homework – “extending my legs from the hips and pushing off my feet behind me before picking up my heels to knee height" (this is to prevent me just from flicking up my heels and to help promote a more circular leg running motion) is REALLY working my glutes BIG TIME. Gluteus minimus here I come!

All in all, my foot, leg and butt muscles are pumped. Likewise despite any derogatory comments, I (and the five year old I met in Tesco's - my new best friend FYI!) am still pumped about my FiveFingers, so much so I would encourage you to:

Walk a mile in my shoes
just walk a mile in my shoes
Before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Then walk a mile in my shoes

Now if Elvis “The Big Man” Presley entered the BB house - that would have been something! x

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