Friday, September 24, 2010

Going for Gold

I came across the "Do Lectures" this week - the basic premise of these is that those that have done something - be it something momentous or something on a slightly smaller scale, can help encourage others to "do something" {amazing} too.

Ideas + Energy = Change
This apparently accumulates by a magnitude so:
Lots of Ideas + a Tiggerish amount of Enegy = Unstoppable G.O.A.M.

In homage to this simple equation and the "Do Lectures", I wanted to do a piece on the SEVEN SUPERFABULOUS individuals who've been inspiring me this week each in their own way to "do something" {other than eat!}

The first two individuals are literally "Going for Gold" this weekend and so deserve a MASSIVE shout out in celebration of their BRILLIANCE and to wish them heaps of LUCK from one girl on a mission to another.

Lucinda is attempting her first ever Triathlon this weekend (racing her Dad!!) at Hever Castle.  How amazing is this??? Lucinda you are going to be just brill and no, you won't forget to put something on under your wetsuit!! Plus if you do - everyone's gonna be looking at the view, so they'll never notice!

This weekend is also a big first for Jen, who is running her first ever 1/2 Marathon at Run to the Beat- total WOWzers. Particularly as she's really, REALLY, REALLY fed up of running now - this in itself shows how much hard work this girl's put in.  Have to say that your boyf is going to really have his work cut out to beat you.  Good Luck lovely  - apparently "music lowers your perception of effort" so it's going to be a total breeze - Just think poor old Lucinda won't have any music to spur her on as she's tri's round her course in the buff!!xx

Thirdly Totally Terrific Trish is already powering ahead mentally and has her next events post CC booked.  You didn't misread that's plural events and even more staggering they are both happening over the same weekend. CRAZY. The first is an adventure Tri - i.e. involves kyacking rather than swimming.  The following day, TTT is getting a team together for an event known as the Hell Run - methinks I'm already fully booked that day!!! They don't even put mile markers out for this Hellish race - which is somewhere between 10-12 miles long and warn that although NO swimming is involved - as a precaution the ability to swim is a useful failsafe. WTF. This makes CC look ridiculously tame!!

My next two sources of inspiration are old acquaintences from my school days who I saw this week for the first time in EONS: The first is someone who I always remember as being way "too cool for skool" mainly as I was constantly having to interrupt her love life to negotiate some stairway or another so, nerd that I still am, could get to class. She is still too cool and still completely LOVED UP!! {somethings never change!!}But more importantly despite still recovering from knee surgery, she has already signed herself up for her first ever 1/2 marathon in Brentwood in March 2011. I'm apparently welcome to join her. Still *thinking* it over, lovely - your comment about finishing on the mother of all hills is clearly winning me over, no problemo!!

The second school friend is actually one of the most resounding inspirations of the week, as it reminded me that a fitness challenge can me as small or grand as you want it to be; it doesn't make it any less momentous.  The Bananas' current fitness goal is to run 5km in under 30 minutes. So simple. So perfect. Really just how I remember the Banana.

The two remaining inspirations are two of my compadres from BoxFit Boot Camp.One is just starting out on her get fit mission after finishing studying for her finals -just turning up for the next session and the next is her primary goal.  No mean feat considering the extraordinary amount of crawling we seem to do or the very l'eau de cheesy feet boxing gloves we use.  Even I feel faint most of the time! My second inspiring compadre is also a fellow SuperChick whose goal is to add some SuperChick classes to the Bootcamp schedule during week three of BoxFit BootCamp - yay Diane!

I LOVE hearing peoples' get fit mission goals, almost as much as I LOVE reading those amazing weight loss stories - fills me with hope and pride and crucially reminds me to "do something".

p.s. I should also mention that Jade has been "Going for Gold" for the last two weeks and today succeeded in getting her Gold Medal for two complete weeks of SuperChick Boot Camp (the girl even got up for the 7am class on her day off work!!!). Well Done Jade - totally deserved.  xxx

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