Thursday, July 28, 2011

At an Impasse

Today's post was going to be called Three Gold Stars - I was THAT confident of impeccable healthy eating success today as a) I was working from home all day today so I could plan precisely what I'd be eating as I'd have no temptations b) I only have healthy food stocked in the fridge and freezer and c) Last night I managed to uncover some self control. SOME! and told myself no more and walked away. MIRACULOUS.

This is how today unfolded:

Post-AB-ROCKING-Leanfit Sess SUPERlean Breakkie was as follows:
2 eggs scrambled, 2 slices of turkey ham (It is turkey so why is it called ham? I'm confused. It's tastes like turkey though!), watermelon (FYI: THIS IS THE MOST SUGARY FRUIT ON THE PLANET. So it's not advisable but I have a whole watermelon in my fridge to get through so I'm ignoring this fact for the moment.)  and a glass of Coconut Milk - such a revelation. I wish we could buy this at home

Mid morning snackeroo - It was meant to be just one of these babies.
Unfortunately these are horribly addictive. Fortunately I enforce a strict three sachets maximum in the snack cupboard at any one time. I have learnt my lesson! So the damage wasn't too bad. I feel no minimum guilt.

Lunch = Saladarama
Peach, spinach, avocado, chicken and dressing - YUMMMMY. 
I normally just drink water but I decided to go crazy for once and have a fruit smoothie. 
I'm a girl living on the edge!!

But c.4pm things start to derail. The craving for a Starbucks Frap is shouting loud and clear and has been for the last hour so I decide to throw a light snack at it.

2 turkey rolls with some pesto and SUPERfibrous raspberries - 

This is guaranteed to keep me feeling full and distract the cravings, yes?

No. Or so my brain wants me to believe. So a little scoop of frozen lemonade followed. LOVE this stuff BUT also LOVE MYSELF for my portion restraint. Hooray for small victories.

Keys included to indicate scale

But then I wander back to the kitchen and end up with:
Actually make that two handfuls of unsalted pistachios

Craving crisis averted.

Hip, hip, hooray...........except......... I have effectively just eaten a whole meal and I am now craving pizza big time - I blame all of yesterday's ponderings of the Pizza Hut Park of Texas (I even checked my local pizza store location. Nooooo) but then I rationed that actually a cheese burger would be far healthier. Who am I kidding? But so far so good I have not succumbed. to. either. BUT

Now I really really want cheese. I don't keep cheese at home (too dangerous a substance currently) but I know that homemade Mac and Cheese is only $2.99 for a child's portion at the supermarket so that's only half bad.

Cheese, bread, pasta, yum, bread, cheeseburger, bread, frappaccino, babybel, major yum. This is what is consuming my brain on a loop.

I am meant to be having salmon and veggies for dinner but I am at a cross roads and I cannot even be distracted by the SUPERminiature doggie (it's guinea pig size but with slightly longer legs) that resides opposite and is currently delighting in the freshly cut grass. Even my devious plan to dognap it and convert it into my much yearned for house bunny (the neighbours would never catch on for sure - I will make it some miniature bunny ears and a fluffy tail) cannot distract me from my hankering for carbs (be assured I am drooling just thinking of the possibilities of adopting a house bunny AND of eating some cheese with any sort of side of carbs!)

The Life of a Carb Junkie is full of highs and lows! Electric shock therapy and/or a bout of agoraphobia has to be the only way to go. xx

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