Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Triathlon - Reebok Gym Style

Han welcomes me to the Holy Grail of Gyms!
If Carlsberg did gyms, they do REEBOK gyms ;-))

Hannah and I completed a Reebok Gym triathlon today - Yes we are triathlon stars - or so say I!  Actually we were at Reebok in Canary Wharf in order for Han to complete her second challenge of our skydiving bet: Han's 2 miles swim challenge (I was there as official adjudicator!!) but we got just a tad distracted on the way to the pool ;-))

WARNING: The Reebok Gym is beyond incredible. Be prepared to feel a big pang of gym envy - they have everything - TRXs, suspension training kits on a climbing frame (Mel would DIE!!), vibe plates, boxing rings, EVERY cardio machine possible, hoola hoops, climbing wall, free weights, 150 classes a WEEK!!, pool and of course the requisite dude listening to his ipod and shaking his tush - *giggles*. I am A LOT in LOVE and this is from someone who has been a blase gym member for years.

First up was a gentle (or so I hoped) warm up: aka a crazy Reps Class - free weights, a brilliant instructor and pumping music made for an hour of aching legs and arms. I have never got DOMS mid session before! Then again I have never touched free weights before. I am now a Deadlift Queen!! and I must admit that my previously emerging bingo wings completely disapparated on the spot. Eeek.

Next we headed to the treadmills in preparation for Han's first running race this Wednesday. Only Han decides to compete in a race 6 days before the event with absolutely no run training - I like her style ;-)). Reebok's cardio lounge is INSANE. There are probably hundreds of machines but it doesn't feel like a jungle due to the basketball court in the centre which acts as a glam light well. (Forgot to mention the basketball court before!) We both covered a mile (hushed tone: it took me twelve minutes - shhhhhhh don't tell AJ). BUTTTTTT I should add that my lungs are majorly rubbish at the moment - try taking in sufficient air to run when you feel like there are thousands of elastic bands wrapped around your chest - very tricky. Plus I had already been for a miniature run with Lucinda along the Thames earlier that morning, prior to my trip to Reebok's Holy Land of Fitness. (Although again I was so unbelievably pants running wise - I'm surprised Lucinda didn't tip me into the Thames and speed off as she had every right to do. My new mission is to prove to my incredible always-up-for-a-run partner Lucinda that I can ACTUALLY run. One day she will be the one requesting we walk for a bit - so help me Running God.)

To finish off our Gym Triathlon we headed for the pool - for every length I completed and I am a bonafide front crawler (those gazillion swimming lessons have finally paid off) - Hannah completed two lengths. Smelling a rat - Han confessed that she used to be a Regional Swimmer and swimming two miles was her most comfortable challenge of the four I'd set her (i.e. ridunkulously easy). OR it would have been if we'd haven't just killed our arms and legs via weighted squats, lunges and biceps and tricep curls and if Han hadn't just run a mile after not running anywhere for about 6 months. OK so the playing field had been sufficiently levelled. So whilst I leisurely splished, splashed and sploshed my way up and down past the Millenium Dome - INSANE view, counting Han's lengths and debating whether to go grab a pair of the flippers on display available for these lucky gym members, Han zipped up and down the pool at lightening speed. We did call it quits after 0.5mile and headed for the steam room/ sauna which was a rookie mistake as as you guessed it - we never made it back to the pool. Instead chilled out and feeling like pampered, very toned gym bunnies but with LEAD LEGS, we headed off to lunch and shopping. YAY!!

Hopefully the steam room and all of today's cardio has done the old lungs a world of good. Right now I'm so chilled out (understand KNACKERED) that I am heading off to bed. At 6.30pm. Call me Grandma!

Can you imagine what I'd be like if I ever actually did a real triathlon!! xx

p.s. BIG NEWS - I managed to tempt Han onto the scales in the uber deluxe changing rooms - guess who's lost another 7lbs in just a month?! CONGRATS Han so well deserved. You are looking HOT.

Must. Not. Feel. Jealous. INSTEAD. Must. Stop. Eating. Chocolate ;-)))

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