Monday, May 30, 2011

My week in photographs

Hello there lovelies,
I'm sure you can tell by the title what kind of post this is going to be, lol. I kinda wish I started the '365 day challenge' where you take a photo everyday... but it's a bit too far into the year really isn't it? Haha. Half way through the year! Jeeeeez, 2011 is zooming by! Anyway, here's a little insight into my week...

First off, it was my Grandma's 84th birthday! I pray that I'm still as active and as 'with it' as she is at her age! Popped into Marks and Spencer's to pick up a little bundle of goodies (along with Percy Pigs - of course). We got some cheeky 'Anti-Ageing' mints, which she loved haha. We went out for dinner with my Uncle, Auntie and my 2 cousins and one of their Fiances and had an amazing night. We always go to this little Italian restaurant who give complimentary shots with the bill - it's tradition for the Birthday person to have them all ;) I was walking very closely to her on the way back to the car, ready for a dive to catch her!!

I dyed my hair the Nice N Easy shade 'Natural Medium Ash Brown'. I was hoping to go a shade or two lighter, but it pretty much turned out exactly the same! Bit of a disappointment. I might go for 'Natural Light Ash Brown' next time, but I'll give it a bit of a rest and some pampering before then, haha! I did however dye my nieces hair again (I'm like her personal hairdresser), which turned out nicely, so there will probably be a post to follow :)

I caved! I can't be without this fragrance, I really really love it. I've only had it for a couple of days and I've already used a fair bit, lol. I don't want it to run out though :( My boyfriend is only holiday at the moment, so I'm going to have him pick up D&G 3 on his way through duty free I think!

Did a massive clear out of my wardrobe, which was long overdue. In all honesty, I'm a bit of a hoarder and I hate throwing stuff away... but I really forced myself to throw things away instead of think 'well I might wear it one day'. So I grabbed a donation bag (I never throw things in the bin), now I feel much better. Tidy home tidy mind and all that!

Went to see John Bishop live last night, he's one of my favourite comedians and he didn't disappoint. If you don't know who he is he's from Liverpool and beat Tom Cruise to the top spot on the Top Gear leader board. I loved him! He seemed like the most genuine person, and it really seemed personal? Really recommend going to see him if you can!

So that was my week, how was yours?!

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