Saturday, April 30, 2011

"I will"

I am exhausted. I have officially ODed on everything Royal Wedding related for the last three days that I've had to ban myself from looking directly at Union Jack flags, bunting or watching and reading anymore wedding coverage. Sad but true I've watched about 11 hours+ of yesterday's events - well I had to see both the BBC and the ITV coverage!! But now I fear that my head will actually implode....... Very briefly, yesterday I stood for seven hours in Parliament Square for perfect glimpses of the action - which was simply fantastic - the crowds, the TV interviews, the procession, the atmosphere and the very entertaining policemen lining the route, not to mention all the Royals and pomp of the occasion - I really feel like I was a part of history - even in just a very, very miniscule way.

My shot of the royal couple - last time I saw Kate was when we were in the Younger Hall at St A's sitting an end of year Art History Exam on Capability Brown and Horace Warpole's Strawberry Hill
..... WEIRD FEELING but so, so cool. 

Seeing Duchess Kate looking so stunning reminded me that if I get my butt properly into gear - I too could look foxy and find a Prince Charming of my own!! Although perhaps one with a tad more hair please ;-).

Plus I officially need Pippa's McQueen dress, {Kate's dress was also fabulous but I am VERY unlikely to ever need something quite that stately ;-)) but Pippa's dress is delectably wearable}  in fact I would never take it off - it's just so fabulous but so, so slinky but unforgiving..... which reminds me ...... back to the official business of this blog.......

Every night about from 9pm my energy levels start buzzing and I typically end up staying up til about 12.30pm - 1am - working, interneting, youtubing and dancing.  In fact I am writing this now during one of these late night buzz sessions. But since my alarm goes off daily between 5am-6am - depending on my schedule - this is a recipe for disaster.  Functioning on c.5 hours sleep is making my life unnecessarily difficult.

In short my cortisol levels are all out of whack - low in the day and rising in the evening when it should be the other way around. Principally my sugar consumption and lack of discipline is to blame. But feeling so knackered makes it hard to resist eating junk and a catch 22 situation arises. But this stops here.

Tomorrow 1st May - I am commencing PALEO for the full 30 day challenge as recommended by Robb Wolf - Paleo CAVEking and as part of that I will be getting to bed each night by 10.30pm.*

*I have two exceptions to my PALEO/ exemplary snooze fest - both are challenge days - as a) food - very definitely starchy carbs, is supplied which won't be paleo compliant and I don't want be rude/ die of hunger ;-) and b) I will still be eventing late into the night on both occasions so the sleep thing will be disrupted. So really this is the 28 day Paleo challenge.

Some of you may recall I went Paleo prior to my birthday last November and it really made a difference shedding those seemingly reluctant pounds. It's amazing what is possible when you stop eating junk! Essentially Paleo is a high protein and vegetables nutrition plan and requires cutting out wheat, grains, dairy and sugar and limiting yourself to one piece of fruit a day. For more info - check this post.

My last non-paleo supper for thirty days
- Chocolate Milkshake and Sizzler Burger courtesy of Gormet Burger Co.
Completely Delic and like 2000 kcals!

The paleo regime should also ensure that I am in excellent form for all my May activities. Just as well as I have not one, but TWO challenges on the books, plus a hardcore run training schedule to stick to in preparation for the 10km race in early June. Both of my May events are very special to me: I have the 60km charity walk next Saturday with Challenge Hannah and I am already hyper about it!  It is going to be EPIC. Then the following weekend - 'the bra' is coming back out for a surprise second Moonwalk appearance on the 14th May. (Moonwalk = 26.2 mile power walk commencing at midnight)

Unfortunately the lovely Trainer Sarah broke her toe in two places waterskiing last weekend (the girl is seriously unstoppable) and so asked if I could fill in for her - and in the words of  Kate and Will I of course said 'I will'. Apparently there are very few people who are marathon power walk ready at a moment's notice. Finally, the last 15 months training has paid off - I am useful for something - HURRAH!!!

Sarah had been planning to do the London Moonwalk with her Mum but due to her injury I will now be attempting to fill her shoes. I am slightly scared as Sarah is a big act to follow and Sarah's Mum is a PE teacher and still demonstrates cartwheels to her pupils. I cannot even do a handstand. From my memory of Sarah's Mum at the Santa Run in December, I will have my work cut out keeping up with Mummy Sarah!  I can't tell you how shocked my abs are by this surprise Moonwalk news ;-) Hopefully the month long Paleo endeavour will allow me to shed some much needed pounds, as healthily as possible, for my vanity and for my abs' sake!! Else my public appearance on the 14th will definitely have none of the majesty of Kate's royal debut yesterday.

Busy, busy month. So now to bed! Must practise going to bed before twelve. Oops missed it by twenty three minutes. $&*% xx

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