Monday, April 25, 2011

Make Yourself Whoever You Want To Be

I actually had a totally different post planned for today but 2 mins before I opened this screen to blog, something else caught my attention and got me thinking and since life is short (fyi 40 mins ago I nearly had a head on collision with a scooter - never been SOOOOO scared), I wanted to share this with you NOW.

Just in case ;-))

NTC Vid: Oh how I yearn for Lea's brand of ugliness!! ;-))

Twelve months - maybe more - I was having a conversation with my unofficial 'Life Coach' - she is AMAZING btw.

{Small sidetrack:: Life-Coach-to-be and I met randomly at a Wellness Event about 2 years ago and she was the very first ever London friend I made, so is VERY precious to me. Plus she was my first blog subscriber of a still VERY ELITE crowd ;-)) I'm SOOO, SOOO GRATEFUL to have found her. I never give her enough credit for pulling me out of the big black hole I was stuck in for too, too long: When I didn't want to see anyone I knew, out of shame and embarrassment at just how sad (in every sense) I was - I knew Mrs Miracle would meet me for a coffee and a chat and get my thinking back on track. Frequently she hit the nail on the head - BAM - and still does. BAM, BAM, BAM. One of these days my own miracle worker will become a bonafide Life Coach and I will be sending you all her way stat.  But for now and totally selfishly I'm REALLY glad she's slightly under the radar - else who would I turn too when I really ROYALLY screw up (which I still do all too often). THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU - I am who I am today because you helped me sort out who I had become. It wasn't easy by a long shot so thanks a million, billion for sticking with me. p.s. I am not ignoring your emails, I am just officially rubbish - some things never change - BUT a call is coming this week if you are around xx }

Anyway back to that conversation we were having - L.C. was asking me (as she frequently does :-)) to describe a perfect weekend or my perfect life.  I don't really go in for 'perfection' and 'my life' in the same thought pattern as it leads to being all too easily disappointed. Back then I really struggled to articulate what I wanted my life to be. I still do. BUT this afternoon was a pretty perfect moment for me - I got to sit in the park in the sunshine and just hang out with some AMAZING friends for hours and it felt like no time had passed at all. It was blissfully low key but blissfully fun and that something I'd never managed to articulate during that conversation with my L.C. those 12-18 months ago.

A placeholder until I can remember the name of the song I'm humming in my head - but this message isn't a bad substitute!!

Whilst I LOVE this clip of Lea, BEYOND LOVE the Nike Women kicka$$ brand (still kicking myself I didn't get my application in for that most coveted job with them - ONE DAY!!!) and Lea's notion that it's up to you - IT IS peeps!!, recognising who/what you want to be is also key. Personally I've still really got no clue past wanting to be happy - but FYI my unofficial Life Coach has done a brilliant job at getting me to recognise the good thing I have right now.

Make Yourself Whatever YOU Want To Be (getting help - even getting a nose job - isn't cheating, it's TOO important) xx

* 26th April: Minor edits of the following to attempt to transform it into proper English and lessen the confusion ;-)) Sorry*

p.s. I cannot wait for October when I will finally achieve iphone 5!!! salvation and can unleash my Nike Training Club ADDICTION in full. Yabbadabbadoooooo - Only 165 days to go til the following iphone magic is mine:
  1. N.T.C. HAPPINESS: A personal trainer in my pocket ;-)))

  2. Accessing all the GPS training tracking gems that Han has been teasing me with for way TOOO long

  3. Crucial one on one time with that fruit ninja slashing game that is surprisingly full on more-ish

and, AND, AND 4. on-the-go-blogging!!!!!thanks GG for that delectable tip off for the blogging app. Oh how I curse two year phone contracts! But as a small consolation, from what I hear the iphone 5 should be well worth the wait given all the delectable features it's reported to have.

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