Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Time for a Pep Talk

While I am REALLY psyched about undertaking a Marathon Powerwalk on Saturday, I am mortified by the idea of doing it in my bra and effectively half naked - literally my eyes keep welling up with tears at the thought.

I have a massive FEAR of baring my stomach in public - so much so it hasn't seen the light of day for a really, really, really long time. Moreover, I have spent years hiking up waistbands and pulling down tops so that I don't expose any of my flabby midrift - I have even perfected a special test for ensuring robust midrift cover when I'm trying on clothes in the fitting room.

Yes, I admit I have made really great progress on the weight-loss front over the past few months - but unfortunately it hasn't made much of a dent to the circumference I loosely call my waist.

Yes, I have a costume I love but shy and retiring and designed to blend in - it ain't.

Yes, I have an extremely high and finely honed embarrassment threshold, from years of just being me. For example, I think nothing of hanging my sports bra over my chair each day at work to let it dry out for all the office to see - Putting on a damp sports bra for the walk home is not pleasant, let me tell you and if the office can't cater to radiators or a drying room - what's a girl to do?

Right about now, as with most of the plans I make, here's when I normally start finding excuses why I can't/shouldn't go - the two dinners I ate last night was a Classic Sabotage Manoeuvre that plus missing two SuperChick classes two days in a trot - it's like mentally I've already given up.

HOWEVER, so many amazing people have pledged money for me to attempt the Moonwalk and I have made this goal so public via this blog and worked really hard to get myself here - that I REFUSE to excuse myself like I do from every other situation where I just don't feel like I look the part. (I'm just going to have to pretend that I don't care that my stomach is bigger than I was hoping it would be on its first public outing and attempt to stand as far away as I can from any skinny malinky's showing off their perfectely toned abs on the night.)

So this morning I dragged myself off to the morning SuperChicks class and I'm really glad I did -  as we had to relocate to the Rose Garden as our normal stomping ground has been fenced off temporarily - and the Rose Graden is so pretty. Additionally the Luscious Lucinda - a total Morning SuperChick (I have no idea how someone can be that alert and energetic at 7am but I want whatever she has) - mentally pepped me up by saying that she had been checking out my blog and felt inspired to tackle a mission of her own - Thanks Lucinda - really needed to hear that today.

Newsflash: I also found out this morning that one of my fellow SuperChicks is pregnant - WOOHOO - I remember us jogging together earlier this year (only because we were the only two SuperChicks at a freezing cold session and were probably sticking together in an attempt to stay warm!) and her mentioning then that she was trying to get pregnant and this morning again whilst running together I found that she is. I'm so excited for you, lovely lady, although I was way too breathless to convey that coherently this morning - however it does explain why/how I was managing to keep up with you!

Congratulations Lovely Louise - I know its still really, really early days but I keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for the safe arrival of Baby SuperChick in 2011. Plus you are a great reminder for me that everything worth waiting for takes time - probably a little longer than you want it to - but that it'll happen eventually. 

So thanks Lucinda and Louise (and the other SuperChicks) for the inadvertent but much needed pep talk today. x

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