Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Chalk and Cheese (and Cheesy Feet!)

Yesterday's Leanfit workout was short, sweet and enjoyable; today's was relentless, a tad intimidating (800m run, 1000m row, 50 burpies, 300 skips and 1000m row) and seemed to last forever. If it wasn't for Kirstin and the other ladies cheering me on on the last row section and encouraging me to actually 'pull' on the rower thingy I'd have just stopped. DEAD. Actually today's workout only lasted 28 mins 23 seconds but I felt sick by the end. I came home and despite being a completely sweaty, hideous mess I just crawled into bed exactly as I was and stayed there for an hour to regroup.

I could mention:
  • how my first attempt at spin yesterday evening broke me in under four minutes and I'm still in pain. Sitting on the rower today for 10 minutes probably wasn't the best recovery option. (N.B. I didn't think it was possible but I've found something even more impossible than running. I am in awe of anyone who can spin)

  • how my arms are still feeling the effects of a run-in with a punching bag on Monday and still resemble lead balloons 

  • or how worrying about highly functioning psychopaths (I didn't realise I was watching the Murder 24 channel last night until it was too late to unsee what I saw. They really should warn you.) and seeing the image on last night's news of the 2 month old baby struggling just to breathe in the heat as it's mum can't afford to keep the wall-mounted air conditioning unit going is making me feel sooooo guilty for being in such a nice and chilled environment, that I just couldn't sleep last night.

But instead, I'm simply going to:
  1. take a shower (eek my first in three days - I haven't been bothering of late as a) the second I leave the house I'm a sweaty mess again and I've only been going out to go workout and become a sweaty mess and b) there's no-one around to tell me I smell bad ;-)) and c) I basically have no sense of smell anyway BUT even I think I've reached the point of acute repulsiveness ;-)) so I'm taking myself in hand again)

  2. tuck myself into bed (likely the other side of the bed to the one I climbed into when I was on the verge of sweaty death this morning. Laundry is a must do for tomorrow ;-))

  3. turn my mind to my upcoming travels and adventures - NYC, Phili, THE BEACH, WAVES!!!!!, SOME COOLER WEATHER!!, a 5km run along the BoardWalk with my friend to fulfil her personal get-back-into-running challenge, Sea Kyaking, Trapeezing, a night out in Atlantic City and mooooooooooore all just a few days away. Me and my new POP-UP NYC map cannot wait. I HEART pop-up maps!!

But most of all I am just praying I actually sleep tonight and not dream of dead/ decimated/ decapitated/ suffocating anythings as tomorrow at 6am I have my first run with the local running club - likely 6 miles and will likely include some big inclines (well big for me) - I AM SO FREAKING SCARED and it would really help if I didn't feel like a Zombie. I haven't run long distance since the Ben does Life Dallas 5km over three weeks ago. I don't anticipate it will go exceptionally but I'd settle for just keeping up and not getting lost. I have to start somewhere and I really have to take the plunge now or I'll never make the distance up to a half-marathon in just a few weeks. So tomorrow is half marathon training commencement day.

Right now fear can wait, for now showering and sleep are the urgent priorities. Can you even believe I used to hold down a full time job!! ;-)) xx

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