Sunday, August 22, 2010


Hello lovelies,
It's a Sunday evening after a long day filled with a lot, a lot of rain! Lol. So, of course I'm laying in bed on my laptop watching youtube videos and looking up quotes (as you do). I love quotes, and I found one that I think must be my all time favourite. It's exactly how I see life... although I think it could be interpreted in a number of ways....

The photo/picture is from weheartit, then I just added the words myself. I interpret it as - everyone will go through hard times, rough patches in their life... some won't be able to deal with it, and others will continue to stay positive and keep in mind the silver lining. Life is precious and you should make all you can out of every situation.

What do you think, how do you guys see it? And what are your favourite quotes? I'd love to know them :)

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