**SUPER LONG picture heavy post!**
Product Description: BC lovely Q10 Makeup base moist - lavenderThis silky smooth makeup base brightens your complexion leaving your skin revitalized and clear. Coenzyme Q10 of this high moisture makeup base keeps the skin firm and volumized all day long as well as more hydrated and gorgeous.
My favorite quote on the bottle: " Be careful, product contents are slippery." Lol.
Also, I know I like my hair volumized, but not so sure about the skin :)
It takes about 2-3 pumps to cover my entire face. The product smells very nice --faintly of lavender-- applied after cleansing my face in the morning.
Apologies for the cruddy bathroom lighting...my skin hasn't been retouched so yeah, I think some of the products I'm using are working!!! :D Also, I'm working the DSK necklace -- I ♥ it but I think I might get a 16" chain next time since it might work better with lots of my outfits :)
After all my makeup & clothes - I love False lashes, the Ardell 109s (Christmas present from the little sis) are so light & natural. Also, Rimmel + Chanel brow pencil on my sparse brows and NARS blush duo in Sin/Casino (perfect for winter!)
I think the SPF in the base is uber-reflective as indicative with flash:
*UPDATE* (2/19/2010) - I retract my previous thoughts on the Somang Makeup base/primer. It might seem a little light going on, but it really does help smooth out my foundation applicaton (Shiseido powder foundation) -- when I wore it on Valentine's Day, my bf mentioned that my skin looked so "flawless"! It might not work in the Summer, but it has worked out wonderfully in the Winter so far :)
I'm lucky I haven't broken out/had a major skin freakout/had an allergic reaction to any product yet - at the rate I've been going at adding/trying out new products, it is a bit of a gamble. Still, the DHC Deep Cleansing oil has already been doing amazing things for me so far and I am seeing results combined with the Cellnique Skin Action Sebum Gel. My boyfriend -- who admittedly has little faith in skin care products for women -- told me that my skin looked brigther today. Woohoo! :D
I think the SPF in the base is uber-reflective as indicative with flash:
I'm lucky I haven't broken out/had a major skin freakout/had an allergic reaction to any product yet - at the rate I've been going at adding/trying out new products, it is a bit of a gamble. Still, the DHC Deep Cleansing oil has already been doing amazing things for me so far and I am seeing results combined with the Cellnique Skin Action Sebum Gel. My boyfriend -- who admittedly has little faith in skin care products for women -- told me that my skin looked brigther today. Woohoo! :D
So I have a Border's Reward card and they sent me this nice little 33% off any item so I not only found a STEAL on the organizer/calender/planner (ALL Calenders/planners are only $4!!!) but I also picked up "Chinese Cinderella" by Adeline Yen Mah. Apparently it's required reading for some schools, but I think it'll be an easy read that will probably result in me in tears. Also, I am still quite angry about "The Joy Luck Club" by Amy Tan being required reading in high school -- read the book and we never even discussed it in class. I liked the book okay, though it made me angry a lot for some reason. I do love Ming-Na though :)
So cute! The pineapples are in heart-shapes and it reminds me of Hawaii! I absolutely ♥ Hawaii. I seriously have to move there one day.
Finally, I caught a large part of the Grammys today. As much as I love Taylor Swift (she's adorable!) -- I'm not sure if she should of received 4 total Grammys. (aaaah, I feel a Kanye Moment coming on!) There was a lot of talent she was competing with...and her live performance with Stevie Nicks was woefully off key. *sigh* Plus I was kind of rooting for Gaga too, just to see her acceptance speech!
The showstopper of the night surprisingly wasn't Gaga though - it was PINK! She was amazing! I just couldn't beleive how talented she was spinning and singing "Glitter" (albeit half naked) She's so hot! And her voice is beautiful...and wow, it was like watching a Cirque du Soleil show. :)
Sweet dreams -_- -- So sleepy tonight...
Finally, I caught a large part of the Grammys today. As much as I love Taylor Swift (she's adorable!) -- I'm not sure if she should of received 4 total Grammys. (aaaah, I feel a Kanye Moment coming on!) There was a lot of talent she was competing with...and her live performance with Stevie Nicks was woefully off key. *sigh* Plus I was kind of rooting for Gaga too, just to see her acceptance speech!
The showstopper of the night surprisingly wasn't Gaga though - it was PINK! She was amazing! I just couldn't beleive how talented she was spinning and singing "Glitter" (albeit half naked) She's so hot! And her voice is beautiful...and wow, it was like watching a Cirque du Soleil show. :)
Sweet dreams -_- -- So sleepy tonight...