Friday, January 8, 2010

Photo TAG

There's loads of tags going around at the moment, and this is quite a fun one aswell!! I was tagged by Jordan, go check her out for sure.  So onto the rules:
- open your 1st photo folder
- scroll to the 10th photo
- post the photo and explain the story of it
- tag 5 or more people

This was taken when me and Dean went on holiday back in July. We went to Zante, Greece. It was amazing, one of the best holidays ever. It was just me and Dean which was kind of a big thing for me because I'd never been on holiday without adults before, ahh I'm growing up! Haha. I think this was on the 2nd night and we were about to go out for dinner. I also believe it was the dreaded night I drank 5 too many 'Headbanger' cocktails, which consisted of tequilla, peach schnapps, pineapple juice and vodka. If I could go back to any point in my life... this would deffinitley be up in the top 5 shortlist. We're planning on going on holiday again this summer... somewhere like Turkey. So maybe I'll post a comparrison of a year on!

I TAG...

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