- Allrecipes.com
- The Food Network
- Your Mom or Dad (Mine refuses to sit down and teach me so some gentle harassing must ensue)
- Youtube
- Korean food cooking goddess Maangchi
My bf bought me a starter cook book which includes a lot of the basics including terminology, cookware, and some simple recipes to try. To be honest, I usually just google something if I am unsure, but this book looks pretty in your kitchen!
In my first year of cooking on my own, I was able to produce some edible meals, and some (dare I say) tasty niblets:

Special pork rice, egg & seaweed rice seasoned with additional Nori Fumi Rice seasoning
You don't have to be an expert or even a perfectionist to cook good food. Cooking shouldn't be a chore, it should be a joy! Well...I guess I'm blessed enough to actually enjoy cooking -- it is a therapeutic way to unwind after a hectic day at work. Good luck shakin' and bakin'! ;)
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