Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hannah's First Race

Tonight was the British Heart Foundation 5km Canary Wharf Jog as the tee, modelled here by Hannah indicates:

Smiling pre-race aka hiding the nerves well = good sign!!

32 minutes and 5km later - Hannah is still smiling = even better sign!!!

Or wait is that hysteria?!

Seriously WELL DONE Ms Hannah Banana: We'll make a Marathon Runner out of you yet. ;-))

Hannah only did two running sessions prior to this event - her first ever race.

Hannah's recommended training plan is as follows: 
1 mile jog on the treadmill four days before the race
followed by a 5km jog on the treadmill on pre-race day.
Completely mad but it worked.......... for Hannah.

I was also running alongside Hannah tonight to help keep her going .....well........supposedly. 

But hey as a means of avoiding retelling another tale of my limitless running incompetence INSTEAD check out these bundles of cuteness currently rocking my morning walks to work:  

Cuteness Exhibit 1:

Cuteness Exhibit 2:

Cuteness Exhibit 3:

Too sweet. Almost as sweet as Hannah's accomplishment this evening. WELL DONE HANNAH - seriously impressive doesn't even come 5km close! Plus not kidding about you subbing for me on Sunday for the 10km!! xx

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