Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Geeks of Doom Invade Your Inbox

Geeks of Doom Invade Your Inbox

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Geek Gear: 2001: A Space Odyssey ‘I’m Afraid Dave’

Posted: 07 Jun 2011 06:04 AM PDT

2001: A Space Odyssey 'I'm Afraid Dave'

The $10 t-shirt deal of the day over at RIPT Apparel is the 2001: A Space Odyssey-themed shirt called "I'm Afraid Dave" by artist glenoneill.

The sale at RIPT began today, Tuesday, June 7, 2011, at midnight CST, and will continue for 24 hours from then, and once it's over, it will not be sold on the site anymore [...]

E3 2011: ‘Mass Effect 3′ Gameplay Trailer, Demos & How Kinect Plays Into It All

Posted: 06 Jun 2011 09:19 PM PDT

Another big title making a big appearance at this year's E3 convention is, of course, BioWare's trilogy-making Mass Effect 3.

We've seen the first cinematic trailer for the game, but now Casey Hudson and the team at BioWare are ready to show off their gameplay...which comes with promises of a great story, phenomenal combat, and gigantic scale. But what's totally unexpected is the announcement that some features of the game will be compatible with Kinect.

Continue reading to see the first gameplay trailer for Mass Effect 3, an intense demo and extended walkthrough, and how the unexpected usage of Kinect will work.

The first video you'll see is the gameplay trailer, then the first live demo followed by a two-part demo/walkthrough, and then the Kinect video, which actually looks damn cool. That's the type of Kinect usage in a game I can get behind. TONS of Mass Effect 3 action, and I personally can't put into words how much more I am for this game after having watched the E3 coverage. [...]

DC Relaunch: New Batman Titles Coming In September

Posted: 06 Jun 2011 07:43 PM PDT

relaunch banner

On Monday, June 6, DC Comics announced 11 brand new ongoing titles and creative teams in the Batman universe. If you didn't know, I am a huge Batman fan. I pretty much live by the character and his Gotham City associates. I even have a podcast where I talk about every single Batman-related comic. So, in full disclosure, I am one of the many that liked where the company was going creatively with the Batman line of titles, so it's hard for me to look at these titles as an objective party, because I am so invested in this universe. That said, a lot of the titles announced are not to my liking, some were intriguing, and some had me genuinely excited. One quick thing to mention, when I say "Batman" I mean Bruce Wayne, not Dick Grayson. The idea of multiple Batmen has been thrown out, so fans of Dick Grayson as Batman are out of luck. I am one of those people that are out of luck. So, let's take a look at each one of these titles, and I'll give you my running commentary of what I think of each one, shall we? [...]

E3 2011: New Gameplay Demo For ‘The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’ Shows Off Dragon Fights

Posted: 06 Jun 2011 04:29 PM PDT

It's no secret that my personal most anticipated upcoming game is the Bethesda Softworks juggernaut sequel, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. We've seen the first trailer, and we've seen a peek at the gameplay, but at E3 this year it's all about answering questions and showing off the game to the masses.

The first new thing from this title to come out of the convention is a brand new gameplay demo with Bethesda head Todd Howard. The demo gives us a much better look at the gameplay of Skyrim, as well as a peek at some things that gamers have been very curious about, such as mixing and matching weapons and spells in both hands, and of course, fighting freakin' DRAGONS!

Everything looks amazing—as we all expected—but it's the dragon battles that stand out to me. As Mr. Howard says, these are boss fights, but we don't have to wait until the end of the game to fight them. The dragons are living, breathing creatures just like any other animal. Sometimes they show up, sometimes they don't...and sometimes more than one will make an appearance. [...]

E3 2011: ‘Fable 4′ Looks To Bring Kinect To The Next Level; See Trailer & Gameplay Demo Now!

Posted: 06 Jun 2011 03:39 PM PDT

Fable has turned into an interesting franchise for Peter Molyneaux and his Lionhead Studios. Each game has come with unbelievable promises, and each—while still enjoyable for many players in terms of basic entertainment—has failed to live up to a lot of the overall hype.

That's not stopping Molyneaux from continuing to try and reach beyond the stars for the next installment in the Fable franchise, however, with the not-so-surprising announcement of a Fable 4, more officially titled Fable: The Journey. The new game takes a major turn from its predecessors, and it's this move that will see it gaining (and perhaps losing) many fans.

Be sure to continue reading to learn much more and to see not only the first cinematic trailer for Fable: The Journey, but to see a gameplay demo as well, so you can decide whether you're in, out, or undecided.

Now, the very moments we first heard about Kinect (then called Project Natal), Molyneaux had a demo prepared showing off the possibilities of the new technology that featured a little boy named Milo. [...]

E3 2011: ‘Halo 4′ Will Begin New Trilogy; Original ‘Halo’ Gets Makeover

Posted: 06 Jun 2011 01:54 PM PDT

The 2011 E3 convention is already well underway, and some huge announcements have been dropped early on.

To start things off, Microsoft took the stage with bombs in pockets. The first of which was a confirmation of two big E3 rumors: one being that the original Halo: Combat Evolved would be getting a makeover to enhance the visuals with today's technologies, and the other even bigger announcement being that Halo 4 was indeed on the way, and that it would start a brand new trilogy in the series.

Last we had heard of the series, Halo: Reach was coming out and it was to be the last that developer Bungie made. Obviously Microsoft would have been silly to just end it there, though, and they immediately got to work on new and exciting stories for Master Chief.

You can see a brief but exciting teaser for Halo 4, which will be released during the holiday season in 2012, by heading below now! [...]

E3 2011 Preview: Konami

Posted: 06 Jun 2011 12:12 PM PDT

Konami E3 pre-show

On Thursday, June 2nd, Konami held simultaneous events in Toronto, Mexico City, San Francisco, and Los Angeles for the video game media and their die-hard fans to give them a preview of what they could expect from Konami in the up-coming year. I happened to be fortunate enough to attend the preview that was held in Toronto at the Real Sports Bar and catch a glimpse of what's new. Here's the run-down, game-facers.

Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater

Available for the Nintendo 3DS, Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater is will feature a return to the feel of the original and is designed to highlight the features of the 3DS gaming platform. Set outdoors in a jungle environment with a Special Forces style of play, Snake Eater will have a few cool new features: Photo-Cammo: The new photo-cammo feature will allow players to take a snap shot of anything using the 3DS camera and use the colors to customize their own unique camouflage for their characters in play. I myself am looking forward to creating a "dog-shit brown" Snake Eater character [...]

Join In – International Day Of Slayer!

Posted: 06 Jun 2011 09:44 AM PDT


Today, June 6, is the 6th annual International Day Of Slayer. Officially it begins at 6am (making it fall on 6/6/6) marking the start of 24 hours of appreciation for the loudest, the heaviest and by Satan's scrotum, the best metal band of them all!

Here at Geeks of Doom we make no secret of how much we love Slayer: Check out this awesome Google logo made by Geeks of Doom's very own Dave3 [" target="_Blank">click to enlarge]. I think we should get Google to use this as their logo for the day next year!

The best and indeed only way to celebrate a day devoted to the mightiest metal band in the world is to listen to them at an unholy volume. So join in with the legions of metalheads around the world, grab your nearest Slayer album, press play, and TURN IT UP! [...]

Happy Birthday Steve Vai and Tom Araya!

Posted: 06 Jun 2011 08:29 AM PDT

Today, June 6, 2011, another birthday is shared by two greats of hard rock and metal. Guitarist Steve Vai is 51 and Slayer front man and bass player Tom Araya celebrates his 50th birthday!

Slayer, led by the fearsome and frighteningly talented Tom Araya, has been at the forefront of thrash metal for nearly 30 years. Its aggression, power, and speed is filtered through Araya, whose domineering presence drives the mighty Slayer sound and performance.

25 years ago Slayer dropped an almighty metal bomb. Reign In Blood for me is the greatest and purest thrash metal album. Born in Viña del Mar, Chile on June 6, 1961, Araya's contribution to music has not gone unnoticed and he recently receive the key to the city of his birth [...]

Comics Of Doom: Episode 68: DC Comics Relaunch

Posted: 06 Jun 2011 07:29 AM PDT

Recorded June 5, 2011.

Our June Doom Of The Month will be volume 1 of X-Men: First Class! If you want to read along with us, head on over to Instocktrades.com or DCBService.com to pick up the X-Men: First Class TP or the HC for a super price! Read up and be sure to check out our special review episode!

Check out Episode 68 of Comics of Doom, the official comics podcast of Geeks of Doom. Click HERE to open the podcast player in a new window.

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