Sunday, March 6, 2011

Just treading water stops here

Hampstead Heath just doesn't have quite the same romance as this.

Well today I walked and walked and walked............ up a really horrendous hill. I didn't know there was a mountain in London! The incline was in three stages and literally went on for 2 miles. I've never been more relieved to see a bench in my life - except I didn't feel like I could actually collapse on said bench, since I'm meant to be getting fit. That and a sprightly girl RAN past me up the hill. Argh.

All in all I completed a 10km/ 6 miles lap as I got lost on the Heath and ended up cutting a corner. All in all, I'm not sure I'm a fan of Hampstead Heath - it really isn't up to much.  Hyde, Battersea and Regent's Park are so much prettier. Richmond Park has the Capability Brown feel and of course, Deer. Hampstead Heath just evokes stories of sordid celebs caught cottaging...understandably, I'm just not feeling the Heath .........yet.

That hill and I have unfinished business.  I will need to find a better route though - passing all those restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets to and from the Hampstead Heath made me realise that I have become a total junk food junkie: I have been eating unlimitless Vogel's buttered toast, sushi and chocolate rather than working on reaching my goals.

My blog crushes are discovering ab creases and running further and faster - whilst I've been getting sloppy, lazy and avoiding the scales like the plague.  Time to stop treading water and get back with the programme for real.
  • Toast, sushi and chocolate are out this week. Not a smidgeon of these banned substances are passing my lips - since moderation is beyond me.

  • 20,000 steps everyday WITHOUT FAIL.

  • Training Monday, Wednesday and Thursday - full press ups, full planks - none of this on my knees stuff.

  • Start back running...... 5kms. My knees are no longer a legitimate excuse, they've had plenty of rest.


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