Please excuse the smudge – someone else, NOT ME, was snapped en-route to a sugary top up! Since today I was at a conference with 170 strangers, I thought it best not to linger too long whilst photographing the biscuits – that would just be weird!!
Despite my best attempts to give up chocolate as of Monday – I hadn’t thought it through sufficiently and pre-planned. On Monday I got trapped in a hall for six hours with no suitably healthy edible alternatives and only £1 in change on me. As I couldn’t leave that particular hall, having spent two hours queuing to get past armed guards, security checks and getting finger printed – there was no way I was missing my place in the queue so I stayed in that hall staring at the little cafĂ© until my rumbling stomach eventually got the best of me and I went to investigate the healthiest snack that could be purchased for £1: 3 seconds later it became clear there was NADA fitting that description. So I went for the best of a bad lot and decided that a *New* dark chocolate Kitkat must be marginally better than a regular Kitkat or a Mars Bar. It certainly didn't taste as morish as a regular Kitkat but I forced it down. Desperate times!
Pic courtesy of chocoblog
Plus I’d also forgotten that yesterday was Shrove Tuesday and that I was invited to an epic pancake party. THANKS RM. There is no healthy way round a pancake eating contest – wasn’t a contest?! Are you sure? Well I certainly got into the pancake eating spirit i.e.I lost count of the number of yummy pancake topping combinations I sampled. The company was equally delightful and I even left with a promise of an invite to a Learn-to-play-Poker night. Nothing like substituting one addiction (sugar/ overeating) with another (?gambling!!)
But today, very appropriately Lent has commenced and with it, a much needed 40 day snack famine. Day 1 is almost complete and my biscuit-impenetrable resolve hasn’t “folded” yet!! xx
(p.s. I realise that the day is not yet over BUT since I have blogged it, I can't cheat. It is so written in the laws of blogland)
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