*Meant to post the following yesterday but got distracted by Work Xmas Festivities. Oopsie but such fabulous fun ;-))*
Can’t even begin to tell you HOW happy I am today. This morning I actually managed to pull off running 5km to the SUPERchicks class as per my schedule. This doesn’t quite capture the magnitude of this personal achievement but put it this way, I've been wanting to pull this off for AGGGGESSSSSSSSS but I've been convinced that I'd never manage it in a million years.
It did take me 45 minutes and I did have three very brief walking breaks (c. 100 meters each) plus I did have literally NOTHING in my backpack (No Water, No Clothes, No Shoes and NO Pack Lunch) but most importantly I did it.
*Still. Have. A. MASSIVE. Grin. On. My. Face.*
Rather than bore you with my running route and which sections I managed to run, which I walked, as this is most definitely meaningless to anyone but me – and since I don’t have a lovely Garmin tracking system or something equally flash to monitor my running progress – I’ve devised a quick pictogram {courtesy of Excel} which should help indicate my progress if you’re interested and a regular follower.

The only slight hiccup with accomplishing the 5km run is that my left hip is now REALLY sore. This must be an omen. xx
Update: My hip is nearly back to normal. Hopefully the hip pain is something to do with my trainers needing to be replaced urgently rather than a sign that all the kitkat chunkies I've consumed recently are transforming me into a chunky hipped hippo! I'm hoping that Santa might take pity on me and gift a pair of go faster trainers along with the other item on my “Dear Santa” wish list; Nigella’s Cookbook. Pretty please Santa.
Today however, I now have the mother of all DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness – I had no idea what this was either until a few months ago). The cause of the DOMS is either the running, the gazillion squats Mel made me do Wednesday morning, not stretching properly post run or most likely a combination of all three.
The other thing I’ve noticed is that I am still feeling wiped from running part way to work even a day later – If I’m going to successfully cover double the difference every day for a month, it is clear I need to build up my stamina to Energiser Bunny proportions. For now though, I’m content with baby steps so it’s “5km run take two” for le hippo tomorrow – providing it doesn’t ice over overnight otherwise I really will do myself an injury. xx
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