Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Just have fun

Woohoo - Commando Challenge is creeping every closer. The costumes have started to arrive - feels like Christmas - LOVE IT. Though several of my team are going to need to grow three feet or more and develop muscles that would put the HULK to shame in the next four days for these babies to fit. Can't wait to see everyone dressed up. ;~)) Let's just say that the size 8 costume is roomy on me - totally HILARIOUS. Too bad I ordered a size 14 for me as I didn't want it too be too tight!!!

Anyway you can probably sense that I've perked up.  I'm still not convinced that I won't find the race a complete nightmare - but SUPERcat reminded me today that actually it's just meant to be a bit of fun and that it's meant to be a challenge- even if it takes 2 hours to get round. So what?!  Just the fact that I have a fabulous team of eight joining me on the course is an amazing feeling. That plus we have a whole other SUPERchick team joining in on the Challenge also. YAY.

So even if I do slow my lovely team down - I'm not going to get stressed or anxious - it just gives me a stitch when I run so I need to R.E.L.A.X. My aim on Sunday is to have a complete blast with my brilliant SUPERamazing girlies, not to worry about speed or distance. Prize for the person who gets the muddiest and/ or has the hottest Marine come rescue them!!!  This is one prize I know I have a great chance of winning as I'm a total walking distaster area at the best of times.  Proof: I impaled myself on a road sign whilst simply walking along the street with my family at the weekend. So bring on Sunday I say. Woohoo!!

And to spread my new found joy - here are some images to make you giggle. (This is what my Dad sends me and my sisters when he's, ahem, "working"!!)

This last one's especially for everyone's favourite ORIGINAL SUPERchick who's now engaged to be married, as of last night. SUPERexciting doesn't even come close, particularly as it was a total surprise for Cat who was expecting to find a kitten in the box that Mr soon-to-be SUPERchick handed her. Though probably just as well no live kittens were involved as SUPERcat can outexcite any child at the best of times. (see below).  xx

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