Thursday, July 15, 2010

"Sick parrot adopts penguin walk"

My near perfect training attendance has been annihilated today as I had to relent and miss Day 4 of "Reboot Camp" as I’m battling the Mother of all Colds. Freakishly I never really get colds so I’ve been dosing myself up all week with industrial amounts of Vitamin C but to no avail; I’ve now been sneezing for two days straight and even while I’m trying to sleep.

Wish I could say that I was writing this whilst snuggled up in my duvet but the ginormous amount of work that I have to get done today refused to magically disappear and sadly “bringing your duvet to work” is I’m sure, frowned upon. Before you all panic that I’m writing this when I should be working – I am effectively working a 14 hour day today as my last meeting is at 7pm tonight (which I HAVE to go to to complete my training competencies) and I clocked in at 7am this morning since my body clock woke me up at 5am but I had no training/walking to fill up the time (that plus I was feeling way TOO pathetic to think coherently yesterday and so I still had a mini-mountain of stuff that needed to be done by 9am today).

Cue a well deserved break at lunchtime and this blog entry.

Hopefully the evil cold is very temporary, but I’m a bit worried the pains in my legs might not be so short-lived. They started up yesterday after a tough resistance training session - I think I may have over stepped the lunges and now the bones in both legs, just above my ankles HURT. I didn’t think you could get sore bones as I didn’t think there were any nerve endings in bone tissue, but what do I know? Moreover I have a horrible suspicion that it might be the beginnings of “shin splints” (whatever they are). I’m a bit devastated at the thought of this dreadful sounding affliction, as it will most probably mean giving up ALL the walking and the training for a while and I have worked so hard to get to a place where I can walk to and from work and complete a SuperChick session a day without feeling like I’m going to die. (See the last 58 posts for full details!)

Best Case Scenario: I’m hoping that the leg pains will go with the cold-enforced rest and some properly fitted trainers, but it feels so strange, not to mention such a waste of potential calorie burning opportunity not walking to and from work and jumping on the tube instead. The strangeness of the situation is probably exacerbated by the penguin walk I’ve adopted: I read somewhere that overstepping is a primary cause of shin splints so I’m attempting to understep in the hope of reversing the problem – clearly my current sleep deprivation is making me completely CUCKOO but I just don’t know what else to do.

Well back to work – only seven more hours to go before I am reunited with my beloved duvet. x

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