Friday, July 9, 2010

No Pain, No Gain??

Do Shar Peis' also worry about getting the right level of exercise?

This week has flown by. Totally digging (v. 80s retro!) the exercise and the sunshine as they’ve been instrumental in keeping me calm with my increasingly desperate “so many deadlines and too little time” work situation. However one thing that has been bugging me massively this week is the lack of any muscle ache post-exercise. I know I have moaned and groaned non-stop when I've been unable to sit down without my legs cramping or laugh because my abs are in agony BUT it is incredibly reassuring to know that all the exercise is having a slightly long-lasting effect.

Now for some reason I cannot fathom, I no longer have this “no pain no gain” signal that the exercise is having the desired effect – and I’ve started to wonder “if your abs/legs/arms etc don’t ache the day after, does this mean that the exercise routine isn’t working?” Case in point: Last night was AbFab SuperChick sess – i.e. one whole hour of non-stop ab exercises with the brilliant SUPERtrainer Mel. It was a really great session – literally no two exercises were the same and one involving side crunching with one of the Superchicks sitting astride your legs had me in FITS of helpless giggles (a double ab workout people!!) but today I feel nada. (Previously, I would not even dare to cough the day after an intense ab workout for fear of rupturing something.) SO ARE MY ABS BROKEN???

I posed this very grave concern, complete with worried puppy dog face, to the soon-to-be-married SUPERtrainer Sarah, at this morning’s sess. (Sarah BTW is sporting an amazing golden tan AND has literally not an ounce of fat on her ANYWHERE – soooo jealous!)

Sarah, in her wisdom, reassured me that she doesn't get the much coveted dull ache after ab exercises anymore BUT that this hasn’t stopped her honing and toning her current six-pack. WOW!

Then Sarah, in her devious trainer mode, decided to see if she could in fact BREAK ME. Thus ensued medicine ball step ups, medicine ball twisting lunges, medicine ball dips, medicine ball ab exercises, throwing and chasing the medicine ball – if she could have found a way for me to skip with a medicine ball strapped to my back, she would have! Again another brilliant workout which had me perspiring like CRAZY!

Highlight of my WEEK was managing to chat to Sarah whilst running and then Sarah leaving me to run the final lap SOLO – she was a bit bowled over to see how much I’ve sped up on the running front!!!!!

Love it. x

p.s. I must categorically state that SUPERtrainer Sarah could outrun me one-legged if she chose – really she is saving her energy to beast the Boutique Run tomorrow.

p.p.s. Still feeling nada on the Abs front – think your medicine ball is broken Sarah!

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