Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Hare and the Tortoise

I am thrilled to be sharing the attempt at the Edinburgh Moonwalk with my amazing and oldest friend, who has also kindly agreed to contribute to this blog as a fellow GOAMer - double whoop!

I'm really looking forward to working on this joint project together particularly as it is rapidly appearing that we have very different approaches to the task at hand.


T: How's it going?

H: You're lucky you caught me, just catching my breath after today's 10 mile hike, got some marking to do, before solving world peace tomorrow. How 'bout you?

T: (sheepishly) Managed 2.5 miles, can no longer sit down as leg muscles cramp so much which is making trips to the ladies an interesting dilemma (we have been friends a loooooooonnnnnng time so yes we can go there). But on the plus side, I am now the owner of a capacious home from home (aka fabulous hiking rucksac appropriately named "The Land Treker") -fits nice and snug - so how about them apples?!

Simultaneously T starts researching to see if a jetpack will fit in "The Land Treker" that will enable her to keep up with H.


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