But wait, the end of Janathon marks the beginning of my third and SCARIEST Mission to date - FEBRULOUS or "INSANITY" (as my friends have taken to calling it!) = 28 days of running 10km a day.
I can't begin to explain how nervous I am - so voila:
1 part excitement: 1,000,000,000 parts trepidation.
Time for some pre-3rd-mission stats:
Weight: 10 stone 2lbs
Waist Measurement: 93cm/ 36 in
Distance ran during Janathon: 61.5km (that's exactly 61.5km more than I ran last January!!) Though I must pause a second to note that the winner of Janathon, Gary Vallance, ran 711km/ c. 400 miles!! during Janathon. God I REALLY hope they don't rank us!!
Number of 10km completed in 2011: 0 (Saturday's 9.8km was pretty close though)
Number of Circuit/ Interval Sessions completed during Janathon: 16
Level of confidence I can pull this 3rd Mission off: 0.0000000001%
Potential number of kcals I will burn if I complete Februlous: Assuming you burn 100 kcals for each mile you run and Februlous = 168 miles. Number of kcals I will burn = 16,800 or 5lbs!!!
Ambition: If I somehow make it through Februlous, please can I be miraculously transformed to look like so:
I would kill to look like this OR Jessica Alba - I'm not fussy!!
Ever since I read the Para Fitness Guide by Major Sam McGrath a couple of weeks ago, one thought has lingered in my head, which has been haunting me, BIG TIME. To paraphrase the Major - to maximise your chances of completing a race/ fitness challenge, you should aim to complete 80% of your fitness challenge one month prior. Training is mental as well as physical. Then again completing 80% of a fitness challenge before you have to sounds MENTAL to me.
During Janathon I completed 61.5km - about 20% of my gruelling 280km Februlous target. Clearly, I am somewhat short of the mark ERGO this is going to be painful. Very painful indeed. Thankfully Lucinda is showing her support and is joining me in my 10km a day challenge for the first week. I am weak-at-the-knees grateful to have an ally in this.
I must now go say some last minute prayers:
Please let me survive the first day of Februlous
Please miraculously increase the temperature from 2 to 12 degrees, o Weather Gods, to enable me to breathe whilst running tomorrow.
Pretty please let me survive the first day of Februlous
{Repeat x 1000}
Please do send me a prayer (and more importantly, one for baby Arthur Eccles too) xx
Arthur is only a week old but already has his own BRILLIANT blog, not to mention HUGE following - www.arthureccles.blogspot.com
Then again he is a MAJOR cutie!! xx