A little bird has been tweeting that Marathon Megan has not only successfully found her motivation but that she's stretched her training wings, flown the nest and now is soaring, if her latest tweet is anything to go by - 8 miles covered despite the freezing cold on Sunday!! A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. WELL DONE Megan. You are a total inspiration. The Brighton Marathon is going to be no match for you. Understandably, I am in complete awe of Megan (if not more than a little jealous!!) particularly as my own running training has been dampered by the cold. {Although I have good news on this front. I have a plan in motion to end this blip in my training imminently, if last night's internet purchase is anything to go by!! If you thought my crazy shoes were bad, well my latest purchase will doubtless guarantee that I am socially ostracised for ALL eternity!! But more on my newest training accessory once it's arrived. GULP}.But back to today's post. Megan has accomplished so much in just two weeks and as I, for one, have so much to learn on the running front, I desperately wanted to know how's she's done it. Fortunately Megan kindly agreed to share first hand just how she's been getting on (and thankfully I didn't make her limit her account to 140 twitter characters!!) I may not be able to keep up with Megan on foot but hopefully I can keep pace with Megan in print.......(Megan from the Boutique Run this Summer. Oh sunshine/heat - how we miss you!!)
I first saw Justine’s challenge for me on the way home from a kung fu session, and I laughed out loud,whilst reading the rest of the blog. I really was not expecting
that! But, what a brilliant motivational tactic!
I leapt out of bed with passion on that first Monday, bright and early at 5.10am, and was out of the house by 5.30am. One thing to remember- my husband (Sam) has to get up at 5am to go to work- there would be no way I could drag myself out of bed at that unholy hour if it wasn’t for this small fact. Other reasons I prefer to get out of bed at such a silly hour: 1) I don’t really have time at any other point in the day, and 2) after work the last thing I feel like going is going for a run, so it’s a good job I have already done it in the morning.
I have now just finished day 14 of the challenge, and have 8 stickers on my sticker chart :-))) (although I would have 10 if my 2 full days of kung fu were also included). I am still keeping up the kung fu 3-4 times a week (6-7 hours) and I am trying to run about 4 times a week- 2 x 45 minutes, 1x 20 minutes and then a long run on Sunday. Yesterday I did my first long run and I managed the full 8 miles! Woohoo! Although I run alone in the mornings (mainly as I haven’t yet managed to find anyone to come with me!) but I do not have that much motivation or willpower to do the long runs alone. Thankfully the Brighton marathon people have organised long runs on Sundays building up the distance each week.
Anyway, thanks Justine, without you I would never have got started. Here’s to the marathon being as fun as today’s 8 miles (although I have a feeling it may not be!)
I do not yet have a picture of myself in my attractive fluorescent top and purple hat, but I will try to get one soon! Wish me luck for the coming week; Sam is away on a course ALL WEEK, and so will I be able to get myself up and out?!
LOVE this pic. This is the Megan whose determination knows no bounds!
WARNING: Do not mess with this girl or her Marathon ambition - or prepared to get your butt kicked kung fu style!!
Megan - I, for one, have EVERY faith that you will complete your 30 days, the Brighton Marathon AND more. Plus you have worked so hard to date so no letting up just yet - Sam or no Sam!! Keep your eye on the prize. But really, who am I kidding, I KNOW you will stay the course - just look at that face. xx