Monday, November 30, 2009

Face Of The Day (FOTD)

Just a quick face of the day :) Just a busy day at college!
Sorry about the awful pictures, I took them on my phone.
And excuse my eye bags lol, I'd had no sleep!

- GOSH Velvet touch foundation primer
- Revlon Colorstay in 180 Sand Beige, Combination/Oily Skin
- Eye look using sleek makeup Oringinal palette (the yellow, gold, copper and black colours)
- Rimmel Renew & Lift powder in 100 Ivory
- Bourjous Volume glamour ultra curl mascara
- MAC blush in Peachykeen
- MAC lipstick in Creme Cup
- Avon Brow Definer in dark brown
- Rimmel soft khol eyeliner pencil in 061 Jet Black


Award time! :D

This is my first award! Woop! Thank you so, so much to Stacey (Sugar&Spice) for nominating me for this award. Deffinitely go and check her out because she's an awesome blogger :)

Right so, the 'rules' of this award...
- Thank the person who nominated you
- Copy the logo and place it onto your blog
- Link the person who nominated you for this award
- Name 7 interesting things about yourself
- Nominate 7 other 'Kreativ Bloggers'
- Post links to the 7 bloggers nominated
- Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they've been nominated

I'm not really an interesting person, haha, but here are 7 things about me! :)
* I'm like a kid at Christmas, it's the best time of the year!
* I live with only my Dad, my Mum and Stepdad live up in Lincolnshire
* My favourite food is sandwiches (yes, it counts!!)
* I dye my hair a lot, even though it never looks any different
* I'm scared of the doctors, dentists I'm fine with
* I have braces, bad times... but it'll be worth it!!
* I watch Friends all the time and have the 15th anniversary full dvd boxset (thanks to my wonderful boyf!)

Here are the people I've tagged... give their blogs a read because I heart them.








Barry M: Nail Paint

Last week I was browsing around in Superdrug to kill some time... I saw the array of colours from the Barry M Nail Paint display and decided to check it out. I got a few items but I didn't really have high expectations. The reason why I didn't have high expectations is because I have previously tried the Barry M Lipsticks, and, I don't know if it's just me... but they seem to be too hard, even on top of lip conditioner. I don't like the consistency, it's too waxy and they're just very hard, to me. However, I'm happy to say I was pleasantly suprised! :D

Left to Right: Basecoat, Topcoat & Nail Hardener/115 Red Black/293 Grey
At the moment I haven't been using a topcoat or basecoat and I decided I should start and see if it makes a difference. I also need some more darker colours for winter and this Red Black caught my eye. And last off, of course I had to get the grey colour everyone is raving about!!
I really like these nail polishes, the 3in1 drys super quick and does help the colour glide on a bit better. The coloured polishes do need at least 2 coats to get rid of brush strokes and take a long time to dry... however, they come in a wide range of colours and you get 10ml of product when normally you only get 8ml (in rimmels, maybellines, GOSHs).
This is the Barry M Nail Paint in 115 Red Black
(along with 3in1 as basecoat and topcoat)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Times: Ins and Outs

Central heating on full whack
Wrapping up Christmas presents
Coca-Cola adverts
Avon catalogues
Hot baths with loaaaads of bubbles
Volvic strawberry water
Friends 15th Anniversary full DVD boxset

Smudging nail polish
Rain and wind combo - been through 2 umbrellas already!
Health kick & exercise regime starting tomorrow
College work overload
Being skint and not being able to find a job


Thursday, November 26, 2009


Haha so this is a play on 'LBD' (little black dress)... LBP = little black package. I'd just got in from college yesterday when a wonderful man bearing goodies turned up at the door, and yes it was a LBP. We all know what comes in black packages! MAC!! I only got a couple things as it's coming up to Christmas and there are still presents to get. But hey, I thought I needed a little pressie too!

Never has a box filled me with so much happiness! :D

I repurchased Peachykeen powder blush. I love this colour (hence my display name)! Although this colour does work better with a tan as it's quite pink, I just like to have it around like an old friend, lol! It was my first ever MAC purchase and that's something special ;) There are golden shimmers, that aren't overdone like some others, which are beautiful. (Oh and that's my cats paw you can seen, she wanted to say hello!)

This picture doesn't really represent the true colour... it's like a playboy pink. Gorgeous! It's a cremesheen in Creme Cup. Super cute name, right? I love cremesheens, i find they glide on so nicely and stay put for ages! Lipstick has become a big love recently... my boyf isn't too impressed! Lol, they just don't understand.

These are the swatches. On the left is Peachykeen blush and on the right, Creme Cup lipstick.

Show us your MAC buys!

Style Crushes

There's always those girls who 'have it all'... shiny locks, rockin' bod and an enviable wardrobe! Don't you just hate them ;) haha.
Here are 6 of the girls i consider to have it all. Say hello to my style crushes!

#1 Lauren ConradI adore this girl. For those of you who didn't watch The Hills, you probably already know who Lauren Conrad is, if you don't, she starred in the hit reality series and stole my heart! I would actually kill for her wardrobe! Her casual looks right through to her red carpet looks, I just find simply stunning. There's a touch of simplicity to everything she wears. Aah and her collection of Chanel bags! Jealous. She is positively my number one style crush.

#2 Kim Kardashian

It's got to be Kim! Her skin is flawless, her make up is always perfect and she never has a hair out of place. Oh to be a Kardashian - they were obviously blessed with a goddess gene! I love the way she mixes up her style, but most of all how she makes it look so effortless! She could wear a bin bag and still look great! I especially love the playsuit, so cute! The last picture is also stunning, the red lip brings the 'pop' of colour this monochrome outfit needs.

#3 Rachel BilsonRachel Bilson is a popular choice as a style crush, and you can see why! She's come so far since her teenage days at The OC. Even in the winter she brings an edge to an outfit. Check out those green Ray-Bans in the last image!

#4 Cheryl Cole
Ever since becoming an X-Factor judge she's seem to have gained a fashionista status, and too right! Let's be honest though, with long flowing hair, a gorgeous face and golden limbs like that, who cares what you're wearing!! Cheryl always looks preened and lately she's been funking up her style, I love it! I'm glued to X-Factor purely to see what Cheryl will be wearing on the night! Okay... maybe not, I'm slightly addicted to Danyl Johnson this series too <3

#5 Sienna Miller

Sienna's style is just amazing. She floats from girly and cutesy to edgy and fashion forward. I love the cute cami and short waistcoat combo in the last picture but I think the green sequin dress she wore on the red carpet is a complete show stopper! Perfect for all the Christmas parties coming up. I'd love a dress like this is anyone could recommend somewhere??

Who are your top 5 style crushes? I'd love to know :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

TAG: 8 most worn things

Okay so I thought I'd do this tag - I wasn't actually tagged, but hey, it seems like a fun one to do! I tag everyone else, show us your most worn! Oh & sorry for the terrible lighting - it's such a gloomy day! :(
#1 Most worn lipstick/lipgloss
Yup, this is the infamous GOSH Darling, 134.
Highly reccommend for a nude lip,
I find it looks best just dabbed on because it has a tendency to look cakey.
It would've been MAC's Plink but I've lost it!! *sob*
#2 Most worn earrings
So on the left we've got some big simple pearl earrings.
These came in a pack of around 6 for £1.50 - thank you Primark!!
On the right are some cute silver ones from H&M,
I love H&M jewellery and I think these were about £3.

#3 Most worn shirt
Okay so I don't have a most worn shirt.
But I do wear cardigans... alot. This is an oversize grey one for casual looks...
It was my mums (which is why its oversized) so I don't know where it's from.
I love the 'boyfriend' look.

#4 Most worn nail polish

At the top is a gorgeous emerald green colour,
from the Rimmel London 60 seconds range; 'green with envy'
But as it's Autumn now I thought I needed a change.
So lately I've been wearing GOSH's 'wild lilac',
it's a beautiful lavender/lilac colour.

#5 Most worn shoesIt's getting so cold now and my poor feet just stand dolly's any longer,
So I've been wearing these black ankle boots with a buckle detail.
They're from for £25 (available in tan too).

#6 Most worn hair product

I'm not a big hair product fanatic but these two are essential to me.
Batiste diva smells delish and is great when my hair need refreshing.
Heat protectant is important to me because my hair is subject to it ALL the time.
I just got this one from Avon, it smells good and it does the job fine.

#7 Most worn perfume

I love, love, love Chanel Chance...
But I've run out and I just don't have Chanel money atm haha!
Nina Ricci is a gorgeous scent as has good staying power!
The bottle is super cute too!

#8 Most worn handbag

With college and everything I need a multi-tasking bag.
This one is big enough to but all my college stuff in,
but it can take me through to the evening.
I got it from accessorize for £28 (i think), and it's a thumbs up from me!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Oldie but goodie

This is a 'tag' type thing that Kelanjo19 has started - deffinitley go and check her out, she is awesome!! So basically these are just your faithful products that you always go back to, and know you can rely on. You know the ones! ;) So get sharing!!

So here we've got...
moistur-licious coconut & shea body lotion. i love, love, love this stuff! the smell is incredible, its true... it smells good enough to eat!! you can get this body lotion from tesco. i'm not 100% on the price but i'd say it's under £4 (don't quote me on that, haha!) i always find myself reaching for this... as well as the body shop body butters, i just didn't have one to hand. i love the shea butter, strawberry, satsuma and cranberry ones.
st ives apricot scrub blemish fighting. this really helps me out when i've got breakouts coming everywhere! i live by this product and i seriously don't think i'll ever be without it! i must've gone through at least 6 of these!! try it out, deffinitley. you can get it from a range of shops (drug stores, supermarkets etc.) and is on offer quite frequently!
johnsons baby wipes. no matter how many different make up wipes and removers i try, i always find myself going back to these bad boys! if they're good enough for a babys bum they're good enough for my face, right? haha. no but seriously i find my make-up glides off with these, they're cheap and gentlye enough for my eyes. ultimate essential!

pantene pro-v repair and protect conditioner. i find that nothing conditions my hair like good old pantene. it is so reliable, and smells great too. which is always a bonus! it replenishes my hair beautifully and leaves a 'mirror' shine. i've also heard dita von tese is a fan!
maybelline colossal volum' express mascara. this is pretty much my 'holy grail' mascara. it seperates my lashes, makes them look full and much longer! a must for glam lashes!
mac 187 stipling brush. i use this to apply my foundation, and i've never used anything better! i've tried using sponges (but they waste too much product), i've tried using foundation brushes (but i feel like the foundation just sits on the skin looking cakey) and i've tried fingers (i just don't like this). this brush buffs the foundation in, it gives a flawless 'airbrushed' finished and brilliant coverage. once of the pricier mac brushes but deffinitely a worthwhile buy.

sleek makeup palette in original. the colours here are beautiful, i'm sorry that the picture just doesn't do it justice. even if you forget to primae your lids, these shadows last throughout the day. if i'm in a rush, or on the go or not too fussed with eye make up for that day, this is my 'go-to' palette. so highly pigmented as i'm sure you all no and beautiful, beautiful colours... i can't stress that enough.
carmex. now, chapped lips are not a cute look. unfortunately i suffer with chapped lips... i've tried pretty much every brand. carmex just does it for me and i love the tingly feeling you get. works brilliant under lipsticks too!

Review: The Body Shop tea tree cleanser & toner

Okay so for my first review I though I'd do these two skin care products. I have oily, blemish prone skin and I became increasingly aware of the benefits of tea tree oil. So, I started to look around for some skin care products containing this 'miracle 0il'. I wound up on The Body Shop website and these two products seemed to match what I was looking for, somewhat perfectly. These were £6.50 each, but for some reason seem to be cheaper on the website. They are the Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash and the Tea Tree Skin Clearing Toner.

LEFT: Skin Clearing Facial Wash RIGHT: Skin Clearing Tone

So, I'll start with the facial wash. This is what is says on the bottle: 'Tea tree skin clearing facial wash, suitable for blemished skin. Intense daily cleansing, removes impurities, for clearer looking skin.' and on the back it continues... 'Reduces excess oil without over-drying skin. Breakouts are minimised with regular use.' I was grabbed.

The consistency is a lime green, thick gel. To use I will dampen my face, pour a 2 pence peice ammount onto the tips of my fingers, then massage onto my skin. It starts to foam only a little bit and really does feel as though it is cleansing. However, this product has a very prominent smell. For those of you who like the smell of tea tree, this wouldn't be a problem. But I found the smell very odd and found it almost unbearable. After a week of using it, I became imune to the smell and carried on using. It seemed to be preventing any new spots coming through... but didn't get rid of the ones that already existed. I've been using this product for around 2 months (it has lasted very well!) and although it hasn't stopped me getting blemished completley (probably because these are hormonal), it has made a difference to my skin. It also leaves a very soft and smooth feel to the skin, which I love. I'm not estactic with this product, and I will probably change once i have finished the bottle, but I am very happy with it. I had never tried The Body Shop skin care range, but I will deffinitely bear it in mind in the future. I would reccomend this product as it seems to have made a difference for me.
not tested on animals
smooth feeling to the skin after
lasts a long time
antibacterial smell
not great packaging (better with a pump)
no instructions

Right so now onto the toner. On the bottle it reads: 'Tea tree skin clearing toner, suitable for blemished skin. Sweeps away traces of impurities for clearer looking skin. Leaves skin looking mattified. Infused with tamanu oil' So i thought great!! Matiffying too!!
The consistency of this is basically the same as any other toner... liquidy. However, I don't know whether you can see from the awful quality picture (so sorry), that there is a thin whiteish line at the bottom of the bottle. This is the mattiffying part. It is a white kind of powder, and you shake the bottle to mix it up with the liquid. I don't know the sciency part - but this is the thing that will help matiffy your skin. And it does! I pour a 50 pence ammount onto a cotton pad and sweep it over my face and neck. It has a fantastic refreshing, cooling sensation. Unlike the facial wash, this doesn't have the disgusting smell and is very pleasant to use. I like the toner much better than the facial wash and would deffinitely reccommend this to anyone with oily skin. I noticed a dramatic difference in the ammount of oil on my face... I don't even need to touch up during the day now. Great product, miles ahead the facial wash.
removes oil
cooling sensation
easy to use
lasts a long time
not tested on animals


For the first time using The Body Shop skin care range, I'm pleasantly suprised as I didn't really have high hopes. I would reccommend The Body Shop to everyone because they have a wide variety of products, each targetting a different problem.

Get Body Shopping!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

First blog! :O

Well, I started to think about doing a blog a few weeks back... as I love reading them, and I love beauty products! I'm contstantly searching for those 'holy grail' products, and I love it when someone shares their's with me. So I thought I'd make this blog to share my treasures, and my regret buys with you lovlies!

This will mainly be drug store based products, with a few high ends thrown in. Lots of hauls (i hope) and my random thoughts, diaryesque entries and wishlists!!

Enjoy guys, I hope I'm welcome :)
Natalieslove x

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Twilight Saga:The New Moon release on 20 November (Today) 2009.

New Moon is Stephenie Meyer's second book in the Twilight series. According to Meyer, the book is about losing true love.An upcoming film adaptation is tentatively set for release on November 20 (Today), 2009.

Kristen Stewart’s gloominess may be the biggest, but it’s far from the only, problem with “The Twilight Saga: New Moon,” the hugely anticipated second chapter in the series. There’s the music, which threatens to suffocate you in its maudlin grasp within the film’s first five minutes. Toss in dialogue so wooden it could float, a bloated 130 minute running time, and you have a languid, campy affair that would seem right at home on a Saturday night airing on the Disney Channel.

[Considering the amount of bare-chested teen heartthrobs on display in “New Moon”, maybe Nickelodeon After Dark would be a better option.]

Director Chris Weitz, hired to replace Catherine Hardwicke, seems as confounded by the material as his predecessor. The movie often feels more padded than the Joker's cell at Arkham. Weitz even fumbles a product placement bit early on.

From the start in this movie, Bella and Edward’s star-crossed romance is on the ropes. A paper cut at Bella’s 18th birthday party convinces Edward (Robert Pattinson) his supernatural world is no place for the girl he loves, so he breaks up with her and leaves Forks with the rest of his family.

Bella, desperate to become part of Edward’s world in blood and spirit, is crushed. Her depression spiral has all the usual trimmings, from the absent glare to the isolation from her friends, even a brooding alt-rock soundtrack. She then decides to embrace her inner X-Games contestant, knowing she can summon Edward’s spirit by risking her life dirt biking and cliff diving.

And Edward does show up, constantly. Considering Pattinson’s huge appeal, the decision to have him show up in ghostly fashion so he wouldn’t disappear for an hour makes marketing sense. But Weitz executes Edward’s apparitional appearances in such clumsy fashion, they evoked steady laughter from the audience at the screening I attended.

Two of the bright spots from the first film, Edward’s family and Bella’s ‘normal’ high school friends, are reduced to glorified cameos this time around. Only Edward’s sister Alice (Ashley Greene) gets any meaningful screen time.

Edward’s disappearance allows Bella to reconnect with her childhood friend from the Quileute tribe, Jacob (Taylor Lautner). He helps her rebuild a motorcycle and more important, gets her to snap out of her love funk. Jacob also wants Bella for himself, but she’s not ready yet.

Jacob struggles with being the ‘rebound guy’ – not to mention ridiculous hair extensions – and it doesn’t help his mood that he has a secret of his own.

At first, Bella thinks Jacob’s new friends are trouble. And the fact that they always run around shirtless and in jean shorts is a bit unsettling. Soon, however, she learns the truth. Jacob and his buddies are werewolves, guarding against their natural enemies, vampires.

This puts Bella in an uncomfortable position. She’s starting to care about Jacob, but she just can’t quit Edward. Does she go with the safe choice, the dear friend she could grow to love, or does she hold on to the torch for the ‘one that got away?’

An interesting subplot with The Volturi, the aristocracy of the vampire world, adds some excitement to the mix. A distraught Edward turns to them as a way to end his tortured existence, setting up the film’s climax.

Sandwiched in between “Underworld: Rise of the Lycans” and the upcoming “Tron Legacy,” Michael Sheen continues to build his Comic-Con cred as Aro, the head of the Volturi.

The scenes at the Volturi stronghold in Italy are the high point of the picture, and it would have been nicer to delve deeper into that corridor of the Twilight mythology. And it should be noted that the wolf transformations illustrated a marked improvement in CGI work over the first movie.

But the focus is squarely on the love triangle at the root of this story. And truth be told, it has the potential for intriguing drama, especially with the supernatural werewolves vs. vampires setting.

Too bad neither the director, script nor the actors are up to the challenge.

As Bella, Kristen Stewart is the focal point of the movie. But her character’s surliness is hard to empathize with, and Stewart, with her unsure glances and awkward body language, is simply not a strong enough actress to bring you into her corner. Can she handle any role besides the ‘uncomfortable in her own skin’ teen? Judging from the two "Twilight" movies, “Cake Eaters” and “Adventureland,” the answer right now would have to be no.

Robert Pattinson revisits the brooding man bit that earned him the worship of millions of women young and uncomfortably old the first time around. He struts through his scenes here like a vampiric Chuck Bass traversing the VIP rooms of Manhattan’s nightlife scene.

Lautner actually spends more time onscreen with Stewart than his more-photographed co-star. But there is zero chemistry between the two, and while he obviously spent many hours in the gym, his acting muscles aren’t developed enough to overcome the stilted dialogue.

Besides, Team Jacob never stands a chance anyway. It’s all about Edward/Bella. Weitz goes all-in with the Romeo and Juliet comparisons. In case you don’t notice the copy of Shakespeare’s tale Bella goes to bed with, there’s the English class discussion of the story to sledgehammer the point home.

It all rings false. Why? Because the actors don’t seem to believe what they’re saying any more than the audience buys what they’re selling. And when the actors in a movie about young vampire love and lurking werewolves aren’t fully invested in the material...well, then you’re only a few years away from midnight audience participation showings at the Sunshine.

You know those insufferably cute happy-date montages they always use in romantic comedies? Edward and Bella needed one of those, to show us that this couple hasn’t been miserable from Day 1 of their relationship. All these two do is whine and make empty declarations of love and devotion. ALL THE TIME!

And saying ‘it’s in the books’ doesn’t cut it. An adaptation of a novel should be able to stand on its own, without forcing people (like this writer) to read the books to fill in the blanks.

Love and romance doesn’t have to be as hard as Edward and Bella make it out to be. It could, and should actually, be...wait for Instead, “New Moon” shows us a love pairing that gives Ryan Atwood and Marissa Cooper a run for their melancholia.

Robert Pattinson interview with David Letterman

English actor and model Robert Pattinson, who is the best known for playing Edward Cullen in the film adaptation of Twilight Letterman appearance reveals all.

Let's face it: you probably don't love Edward Cullen because of Edward Cullen. You probably love Edward Cullen because of Robert Pattinson. Pattinson's press tour to promote the Twilight Saga: New Moon has been ruthless, yet he's still charming crowds with his lovable high-energy. His appearance on The Late Show With David Letterman Wednesday night was a prime display of Pattinson preciousness, and we have video here.

Rob talked about dating, his first film ("My entire part was dubbed over by another actor," he laughs), biting, and -- our favorite part -- what it's like for a British actor to speak with an American accent. Watch Robert Pattinson's Letterman interview to see what two American words are the funniest for a Brit to say.

It was a very charming interview. We can also tell that Dave doesn't understand the Twilight craze. That's ok - we do!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Celine Dion's Pregnancy without her Husband

Canadian singer and actress Celine Dion's August pregnancy has ended in a miscarriage. This was their second attempt to become pregnant by artificial insemination.

Last March, it was reported that the 41-year-old singer and her husband, Rene Angelil, 67, would take an 18-month break from touring to focus on adding a second child to their family. They already have an eight-year-old son, Rene-Charles, and were planning on using an eight-year-old embryo to conceive.

  We live the reality of the majority of the couples which face these techniques of procreation. The road can be long and difficult. That always does not function as it was the case the first time with Rene-Charles. Last August, Dr. Zev Rosenwaks believed that the pregnancy was well started. However, it was not the case. We knew it ten days later. We were certainly under the shock."

    Celine and me let us please especially say that we are not discouraged, that with our son, we know that we are privileged parents. And that we again try to live this second pregnancy with the assistance of the team of Doctor Zev Rosenwaks." [Source: Le Journal de Montréal]

They intend to head to New York soon for a third try with artificial insemination.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lindsay Lohan and actor Gerard Butler whilst partying in Monaco.

American actress and model Lindsay Lohan and Scottish actor Gerard James Butle whilst partying in Monaco.The Sex and the City stars have inhabited Morocco, and they're not the only celebs there. Turns out dozens of personalities turned up Saturday night for the all-expenses-paid opening of the exclusive Mazagan Resort in the Moroccan city El Jadida. Among them? Lindsay Lohan and Gerard Butler, who, after a few dozen glasses of Veuve Clicquot champagne, are said to have hooked up, that's what witnesses say.

 Lindsay Lohan, 23, and Gerard Butler, 39, flirted and canoodled all evening at the $3.5 million hotel's Sancturary bar, then they reportedly slipped away together on a golf cart. Before they made their exit Lindsay's quoted telling reporters from a British newspaper, "He's hot, he's mine! I've got no ring on my finger so I'm going to have lots of fun. This is the most romantic place in the world."
Other sources say Gerard Butler was hitting on lots of different women that night and that he and Lindsay only danced together...but odd pair to see getting cozy. However according to reports about the party's atmosphere, it's no shock they were feeling the fire. Witnesses say 50 Arabian horses lined the entrance and attendees could pose for photos with live snakes and monkeys. There was a major fireworks extravaganza, as well as 100,000 candles adorning the outdoor pool area and petals from 100,000 red and white roses were scattered around the premises.

Guy Ritchie and Naomi Campell were among other celebrity partygoers.

Katie Holmes and Anna Paquin signed comedy film "The Romantics "

American Actress Katie Holmes have found romance with Tom Cruise in real life,on November 2006 she and Cruise were married in Italy, but on the big screen she's still looking for love.The actress has signed on to star opposite Anna Paquin in the upcoming indie romantic comedy, The Romantics.

According to Variety, the film originally starred Liv Tyler but she has recently been replaced with Holmes, who will also serve as an executive producer. The movie is set to start filming this week.

Holmes is just the latest to sign on in what is quickly becoming an all-star cast. Anna Paquin, Josh Duhamel, Malin Akerman, Elijah Wood, Adam Brody and Jeremy Strong are already on board.

The story follows the uncomfortable love triangle between a maid-of-honor (Holmes), a bride (Paquin) and a groom (Duhamel).

So with Holmes just finished with a role in the upcoming horror film Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, and Paquin thrilling fans as Sookie in True Blood, it looks like The Romantics will have plenty of star talent to go around.